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New Open Cities Challenge: Managing large tourism flows


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New Open Cities Challenge: Managing large tourism flows
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Presenting the new Open Cities App Challenge. Open Cities are launching their final round of the Challenges, promoting open innovation at the cities and citizens involvement. Using the more than 2000 datasets opened up by the cities during the project life and the new Hack-At-Home platform introduced, the project challenges will evolve around the problems that big EU cities face related to the management of large tourist flows. Following this new process, developers from all over the world will be guided on transforming their ideas into full working and sustainable apps with the constant help and mentorship of a set of experts in the area of tourism and open data.
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
So now we go on and looking forward to the input of Carlos Ferrero and
Yeah, he will show us or spot on some special challenge in the area of open innovation environments and he would talk about the the big challenge of Tourism flows which are floating the big cities in Europe and all over the world, I guess. Yeah, so
Thank you, thank you very much Hi Let's see if this works. Let's put this in here Make my life easier Okay, so it's great to be here. It's my first time in Republica
It's an amazing event Great content great people and it's the perfect place for us to talk about basically what we have been doing over the last few years and We started as an open innovation company and I
Think quickly we moved along these lines that that Estebo was just talking about It's gonna make my presentation a lot easier that you already know a lot of this stuff a lot of these concepts that I will present today We have moved from being an intermediary to being a platform provider and actually enabling other organizations to become platforms and we'll walk through that in a second, but the basically the object of
This presentation is to talk to you about how this new form of open innovation how ecosystems can actually be very effective at solving city problems and
It's not theory. It's actually the projects that have already happened and the projects that we're planning ahead so Let's give it a little bit of context Obviously we are becoming an urban society and becoming an urban society means that We're going to have a host of new problems
problems that come with density problems that come with scarcity of resources problems that have to do with Our amount of stuff that we have and stuff is not just physical stuff Just very nicely shown here and this is an actual flat in Hong Kong
Okay, this is not some slum in No, Cambodia This is the the challenges are also about how we handle this stuff that has to do with the services on our Expectations and our needs and our relationships our society is becoming increasingly complex and cities are just a representation of that
we've seen a little bit of Those examples in the 20th century as well and and traffic shows that like like nothing else How do you solve the problem of traffic is
Is one of the big city problems, especially if you haven't done your homework. This is the city of Cairo But there's other issues more basic. There's places where there's issues around sanitation Around basically, how do you get the infrastructure of the city to actually support the basic subsistence of the people who live in it and
There's other issues for cities and these are deliberate examples because I will show you projects that fall behind them But how would finding work you have this amount of people that are moving to cities radically not so much in Europe I mean we're pretty much most of us are urbanites
But but in develop in the developing country that that is happening massively and as you know cities like China, they're growing New cities at an amazing pace. So how do we actually create opportunities? For people in these new environments that require skills that that they they didn't have before they are new skills. They are
new requirements altogether So the way that traditionally city solve problems is very top-down Stable was talking about that about that a little bit before but it's about building a bridge about building a school or a hospital a new subway system
They tend to be one solution for one problem Not many solutions. Nobody would think about having three or four different bridges and let's see what works You just do one, right? they take a long time to develop and There's basically no iteration So if later you think
Maybe we should have done this differently Well, it's too late You're stuck with it And in terms of funding it's basically, you know City Council pays for it You can pay for it yourselves or your children or grandchildren will pay for it, but it is tax money anyway
Let's say that there has been an evolution of that and the stable was mentioning before about how open innovation started in 2003 we call that open innovation 1.0. It's it's basically in the city context is innovation in partnership To me sometimes when I hear about smart cities coming from the big vendors. It makes me think of this
Makes me think of okay How does how do we bring in sort of the corporate environment to help us solve some of these problems? So it's all about large players There are a few solutions sometimes you do have competitors so you'll have competitors for
Telecom services or over some of the infrastructure services that are being put in place But still it's long or relatively long development and There's low levels of iteration because it's it's really large partnerships. They're large investment. They're large Large contracts as well and
It all comes down to either the City Council pays for it or there's a fee for service for these services So this is a first level of how the cities open up to embrace innovation Through different players that are it just not channeled directly through themselves
But I think that the new paradigm the one that that we embrace is the ecosystem paradigm It's innovate open innovation 2.0 That really has completely different sets of rules, and we've talked a little bit about that steve talked about these briefly before But it's basically about bottom-up
So solutions are actually built by the people they are not given to the people There's many solutions many solutions to one problem sometimes the problem can even be small, but still you have several solutions Because nobody knows which is going to be the right one you're going to have small targets of consumers, okay?
You're going to have you know the people who live in such-and-such neighborhood for kids in high school For moms who are pregnant? These are all different solutions to different targets of people and they may be around the same issue How do you get from point a to point B?
This the short development process is necessary to have this happen because if you want a lot of solutions obviously They can't take a long time you can't invest a lot in them Because you really don't know what will work and you need continuous iteration This is what happens in an ecosystem an ecosystem is all about you know a lot of diversity I know a lot of things die and a lot of things die so others can be
so others can live and What is important is that it has a sustainable model? So you don't have to come constantly be feeding it with resources In order for it to flourish so we have some sort of self-funded mechanism, and this is important
Maybe not at the beginning. I mean to get anything started you need to have you know the basic requirements But or the basic conditions, but afterwards it needs to have some sort of sustainable model So what do you need to have a a working? Ecosystem well first you need a safe and predictable platform you need an environment that is solid
That is not going to change tomorrow That is not going to Change the rules or become hostile. I mean think about the coral reef is really a good example The other thing that you need is participants you don't have an ecosystem unless you have a lot of participants
You have a lot of players and what you want is that the participants are actually very diverse You don't want everybody to be the same because then everything becomes too predictable in terms of the outcome that you will get from the process So the platform needs to be predictable the participants need to be
non predictable strange unusual the thing different it's important in order to get diversity and finally what you need are opportunities and Opportunities in the city context come in the shape of problems, so what are the things that I can solve and
How can I solve these problems in a creative way? In a way that makes me and my solution attractive to citizens So in open cities, which is the one of the projects that That we're working on that are working right now in Europe
in open innovation It's really all about how to turn the cities into these platforms this sort of predictable environments where many citizens can participate In order to solve their own problems, and this is again an implementation a
practical demonstration of Open innovation 2.0 and Apps are an important part of this why apps why do we talk about apps? Well apps actually fulfill all of the requirements that you would need for for an open open to an open innovation 2.0
Situation which is really about ecosystem driven It's all bottom-up. Just basically anybody in a bedroom. You know with their laptop for a couple of months can produce a decent app You can actually have many solutions because since it's low investment actually you have lots of apps that are trying to tackle the same challenge
They're trying to tackle the same problem. You have very quick development process But they scale tremendously So an app that is built in two months can have tremendous impact in society Because the channels for distribution are just open you have constant iteration
So not only our apps Upgraded and Updated regularly, but also new apps come and replace and sort of iterate on the problem and on the solution So you have new alternatives about how to solve that problem and the nice thing about that is that they leave no residue
Low carbon footprint like this cardboard boxes here So you can actually have very little byproduct of all these energy that is being put into Building all of these apps other than learning you have all of the developers who have participated built an app
They've learned something along the process and they're ready to build a new one the nice thing about apps as well is obviously that they have a business model so you can have A way to make a living with your product and that's nice So how do we do that Specifically, this is all the theory. So how do we do that specifically?
So we were engaged by the World Bank to actually solve or help solve The challenge of Transportation in Cairo and do that with the small behavioral changes that we're going to make a difference
the enough difference To really improve the system all together So we have a methodology that we have developed which we call hack at home Hack at home is a platform for engaging developers in a long process where we're actually
Taking them along a route of three to four months to actually have finished apps at the end of the process So We create we set up this website. It looks like the Cairo our transport challenge right there And we the first thing that we needed to do is actually create some interesting problem statements
problem statements are nice because They are a way to break down big problems if they ask you How do you solve the transportation challenge the transportation problem in Cairo? You'll think well, you know build a better metro system
Take cars off the road build decent bus system It's difficult to think about an app that will solve that problem But if we break down actually the problem itself into smaller parts that are more appropriate in terms of content than in terms of size to inspire developers that can actually be very powerful so
We transform this this This big problem into smaller ones like how do you tackle sexual harassment of women on public transportation? Which is really big in Cairo. It's a really big problem. Women don't actually take the bus because you know a difficult environment
how do you encourage carpooling and car sharing or How do you improve driver behavior by reporting bad behavior? So These are all smaller problems that developers could get their hands around So we gave them some time we gave them some resources
we started in September 15th of last year and we ended in December 15th, actually, we did an end in September 15th because they had to vote for a new constitution that day So actually we had to move the event like two months. I mean remember this is Cairo Three hundred and fifty people signed up to this challenge
We had 35 ideas that were submitted and supported With these mentors and they accompanied these 35 projects mentors are important. They are part of this
Hack at home Process where we are giving them support in terms of technology But also in terms of the user experience and the design and of the business model as well So all together we are giving them the support to actually build actual solutions at the end of the process 25 solutions were built and 10 of them were presented at this event
With the ministers. It was it was really really incredible actually, they strained the whole thing So it was flags everywhere. It was a big big media moment for for Cairo Mmm the winner was a was this company They basically provide roadside assistance and while a network of trusted roadside assistance
One of the big problems in Cairo is basically if your car breaks down which is usual because they have a pretty old fleet You basically stay with your car until your cousin comes in and shows you where to take it or fix it or something It's very difficult to have a trusted environment so
actually having a network of mechanics that sort of Abide certain principles is very important. So reduces the time that the car is stuck in the middle of the road So very simple Unusual for us, but a really big problem in Cairo So that's one first solution other problems that we've tackled were
The info job job challenge. This is about job search They basically this is a company That is the biggest job search portal in Spain job search is very big in Spain as you know and They're trying to figure out new ways to solve this problem. So we had this October to February we had, you know
550 participants over 50 ideas. We had more than 25 apps actually finished the process and Well, this is not the winner this they won the best idea and and this is for me
One of the great examples about you know, how an external ecosystem can think about what you never would think about this these guys Had this idea of the crowd job Is how many people here work in teams? That's it
Okay, the many people work in teams how many people got hired as a team are hiring teams feel It's very difficult actually to be hiring teams because there's no way to actually make that happen We think about hiring individuals and then actually putting them together in the organization I hope that works and sometimes you have teams that are already working together. They have their chemistry
They have their processes internally working. Why don't we hire them as a team? so actually that's what that was their idea to actually create a system so you could actually ask for and hire teams of people Pretty simple, but they hadn't thought about it. So a
Bigger rougher problem is improving sanitation. This was another project by the World Bank The problem statements were pretty crude we actually broke down the sanitation problems to things like open defecation wastewater management or
hand washing Hand washing is such a big problem that it actually saves lives in many parts of the world and Knowing where and when you can change you can wash your hands is critical especially for kids
So this was a big project It involved many communities. There was a question before about communities Many communities around the world that are very sensitive about how to solve this issue And we had over 700 participants worldwide the biggest Community that was engaged with this problem was in Bangladesh, which is not surprising. The second one was in India and
We gathered over 80 ideas and More than 25 apps were completed as well. This was the outcome was An app called Tarifa. It's basically about reporting
Sanitation problems, so it geolocates and it redirects the this reporting of the situation around the world this was a collaborative effort by many different people and
it's definitely a very strong contribution because Basically most of the problems around sanitation. We only go until we get there now You only have to turn on your computer or your phone and you know Exactly when this problem where these problems are who who they are affecting and And this creates more pressure
Into having those problems solved. So these are problems that and these are initiatives that already happened. So what can you do today? We have some more projects coming up, but today we are launching something and that solutions around tourism in
Not only European but mainly European cities since it's a this is a European project So we are launching today the open data tourism hack at home. It is part of the open cities project and The challenge is About basically building solutions for a number of small problem statements that we have identified around tourism
There's a this is part of open cities as was discussed before There's some prizes you can go to the website and check it out
it will go through the summer and The first thing that you can do is you can create your own team You can actually find you know designer that you're looking for or or a developer because you want to build this on HTML 5 and you don't know enough or you know you you are looking actually for For somebody that can do the whole thing because all you know is just this great idea about how to solve
You know these great tourism problems about cues or something else The the whole process will actually end at the end of the summer there's a demo day in August on August 20th as you can see here and There will be a voting for the best apps and having a final event on November 13th. We have a
Big smart cities conference in Barcelona, and that's where the final presentations will happen So what are the what are the problem statements and that we're asking people to be engaged about so basically
connecting locals and tourists We are finding that most cities sort of live Despised despised tourists. They don't their communities don't don't really Talk to one another a lot Sometimes they don't even really like each other
especially locals When large tourist flows are in city centers in European city center sometimes they can be quite disruptive So how do how can we create this interconnection? How can we create for tourists a more localized experience local like experience so I can find new routes
Whatever you can imagine How can we personalize the visitors experience How can we make their experience more tailored toward they like to what they want? What is the Berlin experience for me not the one that they show me in the tourist office or in the on the tourist guides
a third problem statement would be optimizing the time for for tourists while For the tourists to actually visit and do whatever they they can while minimizing the impact both From us energy perspective and also from the impact of locals and how to get how to best get around
So these are all big problem statements. So you get an idea about about what what it is that we're looking for You have some data available That that is some open data you have both static data from the open data pan-european catalogue and open sets of network Dynamic data and then you also have some data from some other European project called city SDK and
What if I know how to solve tourist problems without? But but it's bigger than an app Well, if your problem is too big for an app, you can also click here There is an urban lab project that runs side-by-side this challenge where you can you can submit your idea for
Hardware software whatever suits your fancy So Open cities not hackathome.com create your app and win make sure that you sign up and What's next well, we have lots of things coming up because there's lots of problems we have
Lots of more hackathomes coming up both this summer and onwards and we're actually looking for more problems We're looking for more institutions that are willing to engage their own citizens into finding Viable and concrete solutions to to the city problems Thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you very much. I think there is some more time for questions. So
Sorry me again. I was running
Congratulations on your work really awesome But I was wondering you contrasted open innovation 2.0 government with old government models The work you mostly presented was focused on apps, so I was wondering For what problems does open government 2.0 not work and we still need the old model
Good question. I think that they're all complementary. I mean, we still need bridges and we still need large infrastructure We still have problems that are too big for one individual or a small company to solve So they are all complementary We just have right now lots of problems that are behavioral driven they're all about changing how we do things as
individuals and Changing collective behavior or even individual if behavior is very difficult and apps are very suitable for that So you have sort of a personal assistant in your pocket all the time that are going to help you Sort of make some changes in your life. So
There's there's lots of problems that can be solved with apps obviously Thank you All three of your solution or contests based on apps need Smartphones and internet and these are things that are scars in the concrete situations
Because two of the things are in developing countries I don't know how it's with smartphones and wrap fast internet access and as a tourist in a foreign country I don't have really good internet access I paid 40 bucks once to find the beach in Denmark. So how do you confront this?
Well, there's two things and those aren't those are great. Those are great points In developing countries. We have a number of challenges internet connection is one The price of the devices is another but phones are actually quite prevalent We're just starting these this shift to the next billion of smartphones
And there's a number of initiatives in that direction and prices of smartphones will definitely come down you can still use SMS and And voice solutions in order to to use some of these these tools like Tarifa And even the the Cairo solution can be used through SMS Regarding the tourist
roaming costs within Europe Hopefully the Commission will do something about that. I think that the prices are slowly coming down I'm roaming now for about three three euro a day and I get 20 mega It's not a lot but I mean it's enough I can do an email and I can do you know, what's up and whatnot?
But also there are there are solutions that don't need connectivity So you need to think also about that about what what is your target this let's say that's one of the constraints Of how do you actually come up with solutions that don't need constant connectivity? So But yeah, good great it's not easy for sure more questions. Well, thank you very much
Yeah, thank you very much