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Defending Human Rights worldwide - Learning from the best


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Defending Human Rights worldwide - Learning from the best
What's working & why
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The world is waking up to injustices and inequities. And it is happening simultaneously in various countries and communities. And now these communities are beginning to inspire and help each other. This phenomenon, facilitated by the internet and technology, is leading society into completely unchartered territory. We will discuss how and why this is happening, and where this will lead. NOT TO BE MISSED!
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Morning Sorry, good afternoon. It's still morning in California where I came from
I'm a pleasure to have you here. I'm really excited to have some very eminent guests with us today I'll introduce you in more detail later, but Bianca Jagger has flown in from London and Our colleagues Felipe and Rafael have flown in from Brazil for this event. So I'm very very excited to have them here
I Want to just set the stage initially for a few minutes talk about This event our panel and Discuss basically what? Some of the learnings that I've had over the course of the last two years working the area of human rights activism
Changemakers, etc, etc so My assessment is that a lot of activists are Usually very frustrated and very angry because they do a lot of very very hard work and
They don't always see immediate successes or any successes so I'm here to actually bring some good news and some help and The reason for that is that from the work that we are doing We have seen some trends. We have identified some trends that may not be immediately obvious
So that's what I want to talk about very briefly and then Bianca and Felipe will give you more details of the work that they're doing But so we're an organization that works worldwide We're news platform and we have established very deep contact with networks
activist networks news networks grassroots bottom-up networks all around the world and through that contact we've We've had a lot of very deep insights into many phenomena worldwide that may not be hitting the headlines at the moment
and So the assessment is that? We are very near when I say very near I'm speaking in in in civilization timeline To a brand new horizon. I know it sounds like a cliche But I will try to explain why I believe that A new horizon which will be very different than anything. We are used to and anything we have seen before
So there is a few interesting trends that we have observed so one of them is all the different ways in which our society is divided and
The debates that we have the narrative that are established and the way we we divide ourselves and There's always a new way in which we can divide ourselves as a society so There is a east versus west of what divide there's left-wing versus right-wing. I assume most of you would consider yourselves
Left-wingers, right Liberals conservatives different political parties countries nations themselves are a cause of division Um Races are a cause of division. It's very easy to differentiate to divide people by race because it's something very visible
It's very obvious and it elicits a lot of emotions Religion again is a very obvious way to divide people but So the reality actually that that we have come to to conclude is that all of these are just distractions None of these divides are actually real they're manufactured
So the real divide we believe is between the empowered or the entitled or the powerful and the disenfranchised and This is the claim I'm making is that this is a divide that is universal
It's not by country or by race or by religion. Actually. It's a universal divide That's the only divide that actually matters. That's a real divide and that's a divide that needs to be overcome So how what are we doing about it? And What what can be done about it? So what is happening is the second category the disenfranchised the unempowered?
They are now beginning to come together for the first time. Well, they're always been coming together But I would say they're coming together like never before in a very new way Facilitated by technology and the internet. So that's really the new thing the the key new thing that is happening
That is going to change our world in the coming years And this is becoming a global movement, so if you noticed the headlines over the last few years The Brazilian riots which started with the the bus fare situation
Started in the same year as the Occupy movement in the u.s. And riots in Turkey The Arab Spring all of them happened within a course of two three years so there is something happening which is which is global and which represents the disenfranchised the unempowered to actually coming to a state of realization that
All the games that have been played on the global stage have nothing to do with them it's a game being played between different empowered people and Now they're saying actually it's not about you guys. It's not about left or right. It's not about different political parties. It's about us
So that is a very new thing and I hear that all the time in different countries Within different communities and that's really beginning to break down the artificial barriers and focus on the thing that is important and It's about self empowerment that it's the single most important word I can use today. It's self empowerment
Right. So the empowered and the entitled actually have absolutely no incentive to empower the unempowered the only way there is going to be changed is when the unempowered assume power and
The only way they will do that is by self empowering right, and that is actually happening in a big way all around the world and the next important thing is that so so you have these people unempowered who are now empowering themselves and They have already started organizing themselves into different groups and networks
And all these networks are spread around the world in different communities based on different themes so it could be for example a political movement in Brazil or it could be a social movement an LGBT movement in Asia in Hong Kong or it could be a social political movement in Egypt
Etc etc. So they're all networks based on a certain location or a certain theme and The new thing that is happening that we observe by being again in touch with all these Communities is that they're all not beginning to coalesce. They're beginning to come together They're beginning to learn from each other. They're beginning to be inspired by each other
so this is becoming taking on an exponential form and So this is the key point. Is that independent networks who were actually very busy developing their own following their own users
Their own influence are now beginning to work with each other around the world right because the barriers Across the world have been broken down by the internet by cheap flights people can can fly easily Get to meet each other look each other in the eye and say hey, what are you doing? And how can we help each other also by by new collaborative consumption?
Concepts like Airbnb and staying in each other's sleeping on each other's couches around the world, etc It's very grassroots But it's very powerful at the same time. And so this is the prediction right? It's a bold one but the prediction is that
in the coming years the collective power of the unempowered will overcome the unique power of the empowered and That's what's going to create a new society and where do we fit into this? Why am I talking about this?
So we established a news network all around a global news platform called proximity and One of the things we are doing is we are becoming a network of networks Which is again a very new thing. So we are beginning to connect existing networks that I was talking about earlier so some examples there are many more examples, but some of them are a
Sudanese independent journalist Network a Media ninja a grassroots activist organization in Brazil, which you're going to hear from in a second Global voices. I'm sure most of you are familiar with global voice. Is there a frequent speaker in this event? Drake news is a Bangladeshi grassroots organization video volunteers makes videos about neglected communities in India
Brave new films is a Hollywood producer and they make films about Basically injustices happening in America, for example the prison industrial complex, etc etc So all these are now coming together on one network and the power of this network is basically going to surpass
Previous or existing power structures. So that's that's our assessment and Because of that we believe that the world in the coming years will be very different from the world that we have ever seen before Or we can probably even imagine Because most of us tend to extrapolate the past into the future and we believe that the world will be incrementally better
But actually we believe there is going to be a point of inflection a tipping point Beyond which you will see a very very different world the world that is much more just much more equal and much more fair So I know it sounds like a dream But I believe that if we stick with everything that we are doing all of us then that dream is not too far away
So with that I will introduce you to To Bianca Jagger Bianca has been involved from for many decades to three decades in The fight for human rights, so I'll just read you her her bio
So Bianca Jagger is a founder and chair of Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation Council of Europe goodwill ambassador and member of the executive directors Leadership Council of Amnesty International USA She's a prominent international human rights social justice and climate change advocate For over three decades. She's been a voice for the most vulnerable members of society
campaigning for human rights civil liberties peace Social justice and environmental protection throughout the world She's the recipient of numerous prestigious international awards for her human rights and humanitarian work including in 2004
the right livelihood award also known as the alternative Nobel Prize 97 Amnesty International USA media spotlight award for leadership 94 the United Nations Earth Day International Award 2006 the World Citizenship Award from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
2004 World Achievement Award by Mikhail Gorbachev 97 the Green Globe Award from the Rainbow Alliance Sara Sara, so you get the idea She has three doctorates honoris causa the doctorate in law from the University of East London in 2010 a doctorate of human rights from Simmons College Boston into 2008 and a doctorate of humanities from Stoughton College
Massachusetts in 83 and we are really really honored and proud for her to join us today So I'll hand it over to Bianca
Thank You Sanjay
for That kind introduction Please can you do me a favor? There are some empty seats in the front and I would love to see you rather than to have you so far away So if you could come come closer to me
It is very exciting to see you and to see so many people from all walks of life Willing to live by Gandhi's word to be the change you wish to see in the world And you know, I have lived by that principle
Because I believe that individuals can make a difference and I know that this conference is so special because you the people here believe that we can make a difference and we can and we must realize that No matter how powerful the special interests
Corporations and governments who do not want to do what is necessary to save our planet They will listen to our if we are together cohesive and if we understand that we have the power to make a difference in the world and
so contrary to some Celebrities some people who say to you don't vote. I will say to you, please Be engaged please vote, please Make sure that it is one of us that is elected to office that it is one of us that is elected to rule
the world and to rule your countries The world today stands on the cups of various tipping points Environmental economic nuclear we are going to need every one of you to make a difference For those of you who don't know me and I hope that a lot of you understand English and I know that Germans are
Good at speaking other languages contrary to many other countries. I I have campaigned for over 30 years for human right Social justice and environmental protection. I was made Council of Europe
for the abolition of the death penalty in 2003 and I was honored to receive the right livelihood award Otherwise known as the alternative Nobel Prize in 2004 and with the prize money I found it the Bianca Jagger human drive Foundation BJHRF in 2005 to be a force for change and a voice for the most vulnerable members of society. I
Am in great pain So I hope that I will be able to convey my message to you But I thought it was really important that I come to Berlin a city that I love to speak to all of you I would like to tell you a little about myself because it is not good for you to see people that come and give speeches
And you don't know anything about them and what has motivate them because often people ask me Well, why? What make you change? What makes you the person that you are and some people think that perhaps I change today Divorce my ex-husband, but I wanted to let them know that no I didn't change today
I divorce I was born in Nicaragua I was born under an oppressive government and that is what made me change When I was 10 years old my parents divorce and my mother found herself single without a profession With three small children's to care for I watch have been discriminated
because of her gender and status This painful experience inspired me to commit myself to speaking up for women's right during those years. I Believed that I could have made a difference because of what my mother taught me as a teenager
I felt powerless when I learned of the terror inflicted by samosas National Guard In Nicaragua and all I could do was participate in demonstrations against the government's brutality Earlier early in my life. I made a decision to seek an education that would protect me from enduring my mother's fate
I was determined not to be treated and regarded as a second-class citizen Because of my gender or my status. I never wanted to feel powerless in the face of discrimination of atrocities committed by powerful oppressors and that is why I have such a
Together when I know that young people are not only young people are Determined to see a change in the world With my mother's support. I left Nicaragua with a scholarship from the French government to study political signs
They have been various epiphany in my life Perhaps the most important one was in when I was visiting a refugee camp in Honduras When the death squads enter cross the border enter the refugee camp and enter to abduct the refugees to take them back to be killed in in El Salvador, and I was a member of a
US congressional delegation and the five of us plus the relief workers the mothers and the daughters and the families of The people that have been abducted we decided to follow the death squads which were about 30 people and they were wearing bandanas and
military equipment and radio sophisticated radio and aka 47 and and So we decided to follow them along a river a riverbed and at one point they turn around and they Say to themselves and we could almost hear that that this son-of-a-bitch are catching up with us and for unbeknown reasons
Perhaps because they thought that they will have to kill us all and that we were Screaming in Spanish that they will have to kill us all but that they couldn't get away with it That they turn around and they left and go. Well, I want to tell you that
That was for me a turning point to know that because Some people were there some people perhaps that they thought were American I am NOT and British in Nicaragua because they thought that perhaps they will have to kill too many that they decided to relieve the refugees and that was the beginning of my
My life as a human right defender and I came back to the US to testify about what I have seen in Central America and to warn Americans that there was the regionalization of the war and that was just before The Contra war in Nicaragua
My foundation has various campaign and the most important campaign at the moment that we have declared is to end violence against women and girls and to call on to world leaders to Include ending violence against women and girls in the millennium development goals
Would you believe that in 2000 when they met where leaders forgot to include ending violence against women and girls? I don't know if you have been following what is happening in Nigeria. It made my blood boil I couldn't sleep last night when I saw that three weeks later the president of Nigeria has finally spoken about the
270 something girls that were abducted that until today We don't know if they are doing anything to be able to recover those girls And I know we can make a difference and when we talk about making a difference
What is really inspiring for me is to see that women today? I really determined to end violence against women and girls They are 60 million girls on the way to school that are Sexually assaulted and so I call on
Mrs. Merkel to be the leader that will call on other leaders to Include ending violence against women and girls on the post millennium development goals in 2015 it is really important. It is crucial and I know that
They can do it. They can do it and they must do it So One of the things that I would like you to be able to do is please to Use the hashtag ending violence against women and girls in 2015 and to focus yourself on what is happening today in Nigeria
The the BJHRF has another campaign which is we're calling for a reform of our model of development a model of development that includes Respect for human right good governance and respect for the environment
What we have throughout the world are companies that on the name of progress and development have been destroying our environment and one of the works that I have been doing is supporting indigenous peoples throughout the world and Perhaps if we can talk about
successful campaign is the campaign that we launched in India together with Amnesty International and Action Aid because I believe that we can do more and we can be more effective when we work together I believe that if we work with grassroots organization if we work with you
People throughout the world if we organizations instead of working one against each other we work together We can make a difference and it is what we did in support of the con people in Orisa India and the con people won in the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court decided that they could say whether they wanted this big mining company called Vedanta, which is a
an English company from India that wanted to To mine bauxite in the in the in the in the beautiful mountain that they believe that it was Sacred and what is that what I did? Well, I wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of India
Momoham Singh at the time I wrote a letter to the chief minister of Orisa who I knew before he became the chief minister I put that on Twitter. I put it on Facebook I got people to Twitter about it and to make a noise about it. I went there
I went to see and I went with Action Aid and I worked together with with Amnesty International and attended the Annual shareholders meeting it is so important for us to be at shareholders meeting It is so important for us to buy one share so that we can go in
It is so important for us to have our voices her among them It is perhaps you will say it is easy for you Bianca to be able to to be Shoulder-to-shoulder with these people. Well, I'm not shoulder-to-shoulder with them, but I want them to hear my voice. I want
companies like Chevron who destroy The environment and really Endangered the life of people in Ecuador to know that we will hold them accountable That we will not forget what they're doing that we will demand That they be hold accountable in a court of law and the other
Campaign of the Bianca tiger human drive foundation that I'm that we are working on is to establish Crimes against present and future generation so that we can not only hold accountable companies But that we can hold accountable CEO and the management for the decisions that they made for
irreparable damage to the environment for grave human right for grave human right crimes You know if you follow me on Twitter at Bianca Jaga, you will see that every day I try to give a voice to those who have no voice. I try to hold accountable companies. I try to
Give you all the information that you need about Monsanto because I believe that we must defeat a company like Monsanto Because I believe that we must move away from fossil fuels and embrace
Renewable energy that we must move away from nuclear power. I believe that we can achieve all of that I wouldn't really believe that we can make a difference because our planet is at a stake and We have the capacity and we have The power to be able to make a difference in the world
So thank you very much for being here and thank you and I hope that I will see you on Twitter Take care is it working? Yeah. Thank you Bianca as always extremely inspiring
I've heard her other speeches. They're all on YouTube and every time I hear her speak I get even more excited and inspired
Our next panelist next and last panelist is Felipe Alton Felder He is flown in from Brazil He is the founder and chief editor of media ninja It's an organization that either you've already heard of and if you haven't you will soon and and you should
Ninja stands in English it won't translate very well for the acronym, but it stands for independent narratives Journalism in action in Portuguese. It does work in English. It doesn't And it's a Brazilian free media collective with 2,000 collaborators and more than 200
collectives connecting Brazil and Latin America And he's also responsible for organization of an off-axis circuit which runs more than 150 independent festivals in Brazil and the thing that strikes me personally most about Felipe and their
2,000 collaborators is that they actually live Their dream they live in collectives and their full-time 24-7 Occupation is to create deep social change in Brazilian society. So I'm again very honored to have Felipe here
Well, good afternoon everybody. I'm calling Rafael true. He works with us On this and he will be moving something while we talk Well, first of all, it's very special to us to be here we thank to the Republic organization to Sanjay
not just for invite us to be here, but she's building a new platform with us and the idea to be here talking about human rights and I think that the best way that I can collaborate It's just sharing our experience things that we live in Brazil
In a reality where we had to transform a lot of difficulties into opportunities and The midian Asia as an iterative is not something that came from an idea is not some like few guys Brainstorming and saying whoa, let's create an independent channel. It's something that we just have
because of a process of historical process already and Our first step But initially at five years ago six years ago When in Brazil we had the collapse of the music industry and there was no underground
scenario being structured before So the opportunity that we had in this situation is to propose a new practical model To give a new life to one of the most available swing of the Brazilian culture, which is our music
So we just realized that we could change the old model That it works basically With commercial recording companies paying to commercial radios to revelate very few artists per year And we could change it into a very grassroot and potent experience
connecting independent festivals all over Brazil We started all this thing in a kind of a very favorable environment We had Lula's government starting since 2002. We have Gilberto Gil as Ministry of culture So it was a very good time to start to work collectively and she started to connect networks all over Brazil
So we kind of grew very fast We started connecting five collectives and after five years. We are talking more than 200 cities we start making five independent festivals and Very fast. We were talking about a platform with a hundred and fifty events. This works like
5,000 gigs per years It's about 30,000 independent arts using this new map that we built with lots of people in 2011 we just felt that our
Concept the off-axis things. It was something that we started Connecting cities far away from Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro And then we just felt that we were already in a good point to move to Sao Paulo and he started to shake the things from one of the main cities of Brazil and once he went to Sao Paulo some very
Interesting things happen. I will tell you tell to you two of those things The first one is that to build this festivals network We always had to do our own media the thing that we fought since the beginning It's okay the traditional Brazilian medium system
We will take a long time to understand what we are and once they understand it They will not like it a lot because something doing to break the way that they work So we just created our own media platform since the beginning and once we move to Sao Paulo We start to get closer to more traditional social movements
And we started to apply our independent media to not just to promote an underground music scene But to give visibility to lots of different social fights and social issues So we get together with the environmental movements doing campaigns About some laws that were being voted we get together with the movement that is proposing a new drugs
Policy to Brazil we get together with the movement which is fighting against homophobic all crimes and this kind of thing we get together with groups that it were working with urban mobility questions and we start to hang out with these people and
Get our media system as a more activist media system and another thing that happened that We started to be like Interviewed by lots of journalists. We live in a collective house with 30 people And lots of journalists went there to see oh, how are you guys? How do you work and once they had the experience to be sometime with us?
They liked that and we started to talk together and we get a very interesting conclusion We saw that we were living in the communication industry in Brazil a very similar kind of crisis That we could observe five years ago in the music industry
So we just got the perfect scene to put together people that came from a cultural circuit with journalists with Activists to start a new media system and that's where media ninja came from We just released a Facebook page. We travel to Tunisia last year to the World Social Forum
It was our first coverage. It was good to be there Tunisia is the place where started the whole global spring thing And the World Social Forum it's a very important event for the Brazilian movements So we just get back to our beginning to start we came back to Brazil
We went to the jeep part of the country covering some Environmental fights and then suddenly in June of the last year It just started a very big wave of protests Actually starts with people fighting against the rays of the bus fare But police did a very brutal repression and this repression generate a big wave of commotion and
huge crowds of like million people 600,000 people 700,000 people start to went to the streets to protest not just for the bus fare but for human rights for the
democratization of the media system for a new drug policy for politics that thinks better the Specialization of the public space and whatever In this moment, our traditional media was just unprepared to deal with the situation So they were like filming the thing from a helicopter and is pitching from a studio miles away from the protests
And we just get our mobiles our cameras We went very into it and did a real-time coverage So when people get back to their homes, they was watching the massive media. They were being criminalized They were being called vandals and when they went to our page, they will saw like strong images
They were feeling much represent and this made us grow very fast in terms of visibility and credibility I have time yet. Okay It was a night during the Confederations Cup There it was a coca-cola panel on Paulista Avenue
Sao Paulo downtown and After a protest a group of anarchists, they just went to destroy this panel and in this moment there was no major vehicle there during any kind of live coverage and we were live streaming it with a mobile and suddenly Thousands of people started to watch this transmission in the end of the night. We have been reached a hundred and eighty thousand people
Using the Brazilian system to measure TV audience is the same than two points and There's lots of TV channels that have to spend lots of money to get a point a point and a half So it's totally shake the communication debate
It was that mobile like it's a it's a broken iPhone with 40 eyes Prepaid plan and we got the same audience than lots of TV channels. We shake the debate of communication And it was interesting because then the media Started to treat us like a team in the morning after that night our mailbox just woke up
With these lots of interview requests. Oh, we want to talk to you guys see what's this new thing in this moment? We got two options We could have a more radical posture and say okay. No, we are not talking to massive media
We we don't believe you we're gonna keep on our way and we're gonna build our credibility on this sense but we have another option that it would be to accept this dialogue and Understand that it would be our best opportunity To go a step ahead on a classical challenge of the free media movement
Which is to talk to more people that for the ones that already follows the political debate To talk to the not organized people. So we just accept this challenge. We went to lots of media Exposition and then we had a second boom and we started to talk with massive audience since very cheap
Platforms once they are cheap and once the technologies are very simple We could also Share our technical knowledge our statistical knowledge and we help to inspire Very big network as lots of collectives this image here. It's a mining data study
It was produced in one of the main tough weeks of protests in Brazil all those names here They are independent media collectives So when they are connected Talking about the same team on the networks We are able to reach even bigger audience and to try to face, you know equal to equal challenge
With the traditional massive media system in Brazil, which is a very conservatory media system and we need to break it day by day So after we realized this this bigger movement We started to be very incisive in very important public questions
So we are giving more visibility to social fights like of the indigenous people or like the things that are happening In Rio de Janeiro now, we are very close to the World Cup and there is a pacification police going on They are sending lots of militaries and armies to the favelas to head the the people come to the World Cup
So there's lots of violence going on The country is leaving lots of contradictions and we are involved and giving visibility to these issues The moment that we're leaving now, it's a very intense year
Joining a football metaphor. It's a year with two halves We have the World Cup in the first half. We got elections in the second one and What we believe in this moment is the moment where the activists and the movements we need to be very creative We need to be very smart
Because if we go to try to march again during the World Cup We're gonna be repressed by the army that's doing the the security on the city now and we'll have the public opinion Against us because everybody wants to see the football matches So the matter is how can we be?
Pacifically, how can we give a party characteristic to the movement? So what we are planning to the World Cup is to be a kind doing a kind of occupation in a very big square downtown in Rio de Janeiro where we'll be connecting activists of lots of different social movements and it's a moment where the the whole world will be looking to Brazil and
We just know that it's the proper time To send message to get this concept that we built of narratives and to show the word prototypes of new possible words
Using what we call social technologies is when you recognize that the popular knowledge Produced outside of the university. It's also science if you systematize it and if you share it So we can learn about a lot with Brazil in this moment about being creative about being solidarity
This image is very good image It's a street cleaners strike and they just stopped their work during the carnival in Rio this year It's a moment where you got a million tourists in the town So the garbage just started to go all over and in the beginning The mayor went to global the biggest TV channel, and he just said okay. This is try cleaners
They are not all the workers It's just a minor group who is forcing this strike and we just get again the mobiles the cameras We went into it and we just showed that no that it was workers that they had a very fair
Reinvigication and after one week of strike they succeed and got a very significant raise But that was what I was saying before to close is that we we have a very special moment in Brazil We have very a very intense environment of Collectives of networks with lots of experience to share and we are here in a very special moment to us
Announcing this new platform that we are building together with oximete It will be media ninja dot oximete calm and it's put things in a very much better perspective Once you will be able to check already translated the content being produced for all our collaborators in Brazil
Well, we are here more days. We will be lots of time to change ideas. We're gonna open now for some questions, and thank you Thank You Felipe again, very very inspiring two very different approaches to achieve the same objectives as we were today
How many of you are going to the World Cup in Brazil this year nobody? Well, you can watch it all on oximete You will see the alternate version the one that the real version of what's happening in Brazil as which is what Felipe and his Organization will be talking about in portraying versus the official version the shiny
Clean happy version that you will hear from mainstream news media Bianca wanted to talk about her work and her observations about Brazil. So please go ahead It's better for me to stand up
Spain Many people have a very glossy image of what's happened in Brazil But I wanted to tell you that in Brazil under the government of President Dilma Rousseth you have she has a project to build 40 dams in the Amazon
Currently they are building the monstrous Play project of Belo Monte the Belo Monte Dam will be if it's ever built Will be the third largest
Dam in the world. I wrote an article for the Huffington Post About the Belo Monte Dam being an environmental crime Now the Belo Monte Dam is causing tremendous harm to many indigenous tribes inside Brazil Very little is known about them, even though there is a huge campaign going on against the Belo Monte Dam
and Many people don't understand that of course in Brazil they could have renewable energy they have the Sun the wind and every Opportunity to be able to have renewable energy to substitutes done and to substitute fossil fuels
So if you ever can please support the campaign of the indigenous people against Belo Monte but I wanted to talk to you as well about because I didn't have time to say that I was born in Nicaragua and
Currently Daniel Ortega Which is no longer the great Daniel Ortega that many of us supported when we supported the Sandinista Revolution Daniel Ortega has changed the Constitution three times and now he can be elected president for life he has a monstrous another monstrous plan to build a canal in Nicaragua a canal that will destroy our
Natural resources that will call big will cost billions of dollars and he's doing that with a Chinese partner and That will destroy not only the two Great Lakes that Nicaragua has but he will destroy rainforests
So there you have two countries Brazil a very powerful country that doesn't understand The a president that doesn't understand the value of the rainforest which is not only a value for Brazilians, but it's a value for the entire world and who is going to
cause a Tremendous damage to the cultures of indigenous tribes that depend on the Shingo the river Shingo, so I I urge you to please go to The articles of Bianca Jaga in the in the Huffington Post in the American Huffington Post where I write about all of these issues
But let's less when we leave this conference Let's not just go and have left another conference Let's think how we positively can make a difference how we can possibly stay Together and how we can possibly make a difference in the world. How can we influence our government?
In fact, I must say I admire the Germans because it was your resilience It was your commitment to demand from your government that you didn't want Nuclear power that the government changed his view we can and we have not been able to do that in the UK
They we have a president that promote not only nuclear power but to promote fracking and So fracking will cause us Tremendous amount of damage throughout Europe and the US and many other countries
So if anything I can say is let's stand together against fossil fuels against more Major dams like the Belo Monte against fracking and against everything that is destroying our planet and Against Monsanto. Thank you very much
Thank you, Benka. It's it's it's very clear the the passion that our panelists have for the the work they're doing We have about five minutes left I would like to ask the audience if you have any questions for for any of us While you're thinking about your question, I would like to ask a question to both of you a challenging question
So beyond all the passion beyond all the great work you're doing Can you share real success stories that you have? been through and define it and explain it first what the problem was what you did and What was a successful result all in one minute each
Well it for us it was It is a step by step of making difficulty into opportunities in the beginning There was no independent scene to independent bands to play. We started to organize festivals. There was no people knowing about it
We did a divisibility to that then we need money to finance all of that we create an alternative currents based on systematizing of work and We move to Sao Paulo and the thing just blow as has I told you it was fast Recent rulings on net neutrality that you were involved in
That's a very good topic. And I think there's a field of interest here. There's a law that it was approved in Brazil Two weeks ago. It's the marco severe of internet. It's like the first package of laws To about internet and we get guaranteed three vital points. It's net neutrality net
Privacy and freedom of speech and this law it was a conqueror of the civil society The document it was wrote collaboratively for 400 people in a website we put it into the Congress It was four years We did to pressure a lot do a strong campaign the social networks and is no then helped us a lot
Because when he went to Brazilian television Telling about that Yuma was being spied The thing just get more visibility. So we thank him and us to do that Bianca would you like to share any success stories?
Well, it's more than a success story During the 90s. I went to Bosnia and I was asked to evacuate two children Sabina and Mohammed Mohammed was suffering from a blue baby syndrome Which just mean he was born with a hole in the heart and he was eight years of age and Sabina was suffering from leukemia
I was I was asked to evacuate them but of course the international community didn't want to allow refugees to Come, you know running to Europe and to the US and open the floodgates So I had to
Evacuate these two children together and it was a half successful story Mohammed was able to come back with me to the US and to have an operation and he was saved Even though it was a very difficult thing to do and Sabina unfortunately, we waited so long and the United Nation High High Commission
And and the Emperor for the protection forces didn't want to allowed us to use the airport in Tuzla and by the time Sabina and Mohammed him we got to split Sabina had a brain hemorrhage But if they had provided us with a helicopter
She would have had an 80% chance of survival and it is so many children throughout the world Who are dying in wars who we do not want to help that the international community has a responsibility has a responsibility to the children that are dying today in Syria that has a
Responsibility to the people of Rohingya in Burma and or total indifference to that Yes, there was a success story but there is so much more than we the international community and Governments can do to stop the killing of innocent children. Thank you
Excellent Well, if there's no more questions, I would like to finish here Sounds like there aren't any so I would like to finish here thank you very much for for coming and attending listening to us patiently and Good luck for the rest of the conference. We'll be here
Most of the three days and would love to talk to all of you. Thanks a lot