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A theory for spiral wave drift in reaction-diffusion-mechanics systems


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A theory for spiral wave drift in reaction-diffusion-mechanics systems
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Reaction-diffusion mechanics (RDM) systems describe a wide range of practically important phenomena where deformation substantially affects wave and vortex dynamics. Here, we develop the first theory to describe the dynamics of rotating spiral waves in RDM systems, combining response function theory with a mechanical Green's function. This theory explains the mechanically-induced drift of spiral waves as a resonance phenomenon, and it can predict the drift trajectories and the final attractors from measurable characteristics of the system. Theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations. The results can be applied to cardiac tissue, where the drift of spiral waves is an important factor in determining different types of cardiac arrhythmias.
Mark <Maßeinheit>SpiralgalaxieDriftElementarteilchenphysikPorzellanMechanikerinSpiralgalaxieVideotechnikWelle <Maschinenbau>ElektrizitätAkustische RückkopplungDruckkraftDriftComputeranimation
Mark <Maßeinheit>SpiralgalaxieDriftDepolarisationKontraktionRäderuhrWellenlängeSatz <Drucktechnik>MechanikerinSpiralgalaxieKontraktionTissueLuftstromWelle <Maschinenbau>NeutronenaktivierungSatz <Drucktechnik>SchnittmusterElektrizitätWarmumformenKalenderjahrDorn <Technik>Computeranimation
SpiralgalaxieOptischer HalbleiterverstärkerKontraktionSpannungsänderungSchwingungsmembranRäderuhrWellenlängeMark <Maßeinheit>DriftHubraumSchalttafelDrechselnSpiralgalaxieLuftstromSpannungsabhängigkeitElektrizitätSchlauchkupplungKraft-Wärme-KopplungKlangeffektTissueDepolarisationMechanikerinSpannungsänderungRauschzahlAM-Herculis-SternSatzspiegelSetztechnikComputeranimation
SpiralgalaxieDriftMark <Maßeinheit>ElektrizitätRäderuhrElektrostatische AufladungElektromechanikAkustische RückkopplungElektrische StromdichteNeutronenaktivierungUnterwasserfahrzeugComputeranimation
Mark <Maßeinheit>DriftSpiralgalaxieDurchführung <Elektrotechnik>ElektrizitätNeutronenaktivierungSchwingungsphaseEisenkernFahrgeschwindigkeitMasse <Physik>FrühjahrZeitdiskretes SignalDomäne <Kristallographie>ElektrizitätGewichtsstückWelle <Maschinenbau>MechanikerinNeutronenaktivierungDurchführung <Elektrotechnik>Masse <Physik>DriftFahrgeschwindigkeitFrühjahrSpiralgalaxieDomäne <Kristallographie>Akustische RückkopplungDrahtbondenFlugsimulatorKontraktionTissueComputeranimation
SpiralgalaxieDriftMark <Maßeinheit>GleichstromFlascheLambda-HyperonSpiralgalaxieWellenlängeTrajektorie <Meteorologie>Angeregter ZustandSchwarzUnterwasserfahrzeugWeißDriftFlugsimulatorBuntheitZugangsnetzLichtkurveFernordnungWindparkErsatzteilComputeranimation
SpiralgalaxieMark <Maßeinheit>DriftPatrone <Munition>Angeregter ZustandComputeranimation
RuhestromSpiralgalaxieMark <Maßeinheit>DriftThermalisierungSatteldeckeAbstandsmessungNyquist-KriteriumDomäne <Kristallographie>Computeranimation
SpiralgalaxieMark <Maßeinheit>DriftDurchführung <Elektrotechnik>ElektrizitätWellenlängeRäderuhrDomäne <Kristallographie>NiederfrequenzThermalisierungGrundfrequenzFernordnungMechanikerinDurchführung <Elektrotechnik>DriftDomäne <Kristallographie>SpiralgalaxieElektrizitätHandbuchbindereiKalenderjahrWellenlängeFlugsimulatorComputeranimation
Mark <Maßeinheit>SpiralgalaxieDriftArmbanduhrComputeranimation
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Hi, I am Hans Zierks from Ghent University, Belgium. In this video, I will present our theory for spiral-wave drift induced by Meccano electrical feedback. Spiral waves are rotating patterns which occur in many excitable and oscillatory systems. Our present work is inspired by cardiac tissue modeling, where waves of electrical
activity coordinate mechanical contraction. In the heart, spiral waves are taught to underlie certain types of cardiac arrhythmia. Therefore, studying spiral wave dynamics could help us better understand cardiac arrhythmia. I will now further explain the electromechanical coupling.
Let us first look at the top left panel, where the transmembrane voltage U is high, that is, in the orange regions, the cardiac tissue depolarizes and initiates active tension shown in the top right panel. Such mechanical tension induces mechanical stretch and deformation, which in turn affect the spiral wave dynamics.
In this paper, we want to better understand the effects of this Meccano electrical feedback loop. In our mechanical description, we use Aliev-Panthelov kinetics for the electrical subsystem and the Navier-Cauchy equations for the mechanical subsystem. They are coupled by active tension D and stretch-activated currents IS.
Our main theoretical result is the following formula, which shows the net drift velocity of spiral waves induced by Meccano electrical feedback. Note that the details of the electrical subsystem and the active tension development factorize into shape factors Aw and At.
Next, we will compare the theoretical results with the outcome from numerical simulations in the mass spring model for contracting cardiac tissue, which was developed by Weiss and Panfilov. In our simulations, we choose a square domain with fixated mechanical boundaries.
Here, we see the simulated spiral wave drift trajectories on the left and theoretical predictions on the right. We do the comparison for different values of the bottle parameter A, which affects wavelength lambda and excitability. We see a good agreement in the shape of the spiral wave trajectories.
These are the black curves. The color indicates drift direction. Black dots indicate spiral attractors, and white circles are the repulsive equilibria. These cases are found when excitability is further reduced by increasing the parameter A.
Finally, we show theoretical and numerical bifurcation plots for the attractor position. The vertical axis shows the distance to the center of the square domain. Note that the center of the square domain changes stability twice due to Hopf bifurcations. In conclusion, we can say that we found a good agreement between the theory and numerical
simulations. Our theory is not limited to a square geometry, since one can use a different mechanical Green's function for other domains. The leading order drift was found to be resonant with the spiral wave's natural frequency. Thereby, the details of the electrical subsystem and tension development factorize.
Overall, the position of equilibria is therefore determined by spiral wavelength, domain shape, and mechanical boundary conditions. Thank you for watching.