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Digital tiles


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Digital tiles
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
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Hi, everyone. My name is Luis. And I am a first year in Seattle. And today, I am going to work for digital files,
from traditional to digital. I believe everyone knows what are hard tiles and what is used for. So I'm not going to explain too much the traditional work.
But what can I say is that the relief tiles, Eduardo Mary was one of the moment architects that used it on his works. And he used it on a lot of process and facades and wisdom, these kind of tiles. My work is consistent in the relief tiles.
And the idea is to use the new technologies and the new fabrication tools to develop this kind of product. The ways in the work, as architecture and science, I compare them.
And I believe the most important thing in both is that they create a product in the final. Each one have their own tools, their own people that works, the scientists and the architects, and the office and the labs. But on the final, they always create the product.
So on this work, the idea is to catch the traditional tiles and to understand how the publication is done. And then, it compares to the actual industrial work to the traditional process.
So the sets that exist on the traditional and industry values have two steps important in the creation of the form and then the customization that are the final steps. On the form, we have three steps that are the prototype,
then the swab of the prototype, and then we make from the final material the final tile. On the personas, we have the finishing, the welding, and the baking. What I designed to use as a tool, it was a CNC, it was a numerical control,
that allows me to make the draw that I made in 3D software. I can develop and I can cut the final match with the draw that I done digitally. So on this work, I decided to see how much I can do
and at which end I can arrive. I decided to step by step change the traditional production. So I decided to start with the creation of the prototype.
That was a simple design of the design. And then on the plaster, I made a simple prototype. On this step, I understood that I can advance
and I can do more and more works. So then I made a sample swab of the same piece. And then at the final, and because it's a very important way of the aspects to work nowadays,
I had to understand how the propagation, how the industry of the tiles work and how the materials are important so we can develop with new tools, with new technology. So I have two kind of mats,
one of mats and a slower mats. And with them, we made a study for three weeks to understand how a mess develops because on this constitution, it's made with water. So losing water, it will be more dry
and then we do a different work in the CNC. So for three weeks, I studied how the mess works and I get three different, very different results. On the first image, you can see that the mess was very unique
and I couldn't tell a very perfect design. On the middle one, it was in the middle. It was great. And then on the final one, it broke off. In the mess, everything worked perfectly. So it is different, it's a different mess
and it doesn't have so much water in this constitution so it was easier to work with it. You can see it like this. I made it and I finalized it because the first object that I created was defined.
So in the conclusion, I could arrive at with a digital tool and with a digital performance, I can substitute the traditional work. So before they made by hand a prototype and then a swirl,
I don't have to do nothing. I just have to do a drawing on the software and then close directly for the final material. Time does give me an easier way to work and an easier way to develop more complex design.
Hopefully not design. What I wanted to show is that we can do different designs with 2D drawings and put them on the fabrication.
So I made three kinds of designs, an entity draw that was very simple, some simple pieces. Then I made a logo that was easier to extrude and then simply draw it.
And then with a parametric draw, I made a white panel. So it's very easy, but I can show you.
Very big. It takes like half an hour to make six pieces. So in one day, I made a square meter. And it was very easy to compare to the traditional way.
And we can have a very rigorous draw. But at any time, we can change it with more appearance.
To show you all, this is the industrial way. So if I work by press, it's good to make 1,000 pieces in one afternoon.
But always the same piece. The digital way gives you the opportunity to do all the pieces completely different, easier, and not the same piece.