Our generation of young people in school (aged 5-18) have noticed the connection between Computer pRogramming, Technology, Success and Billionaires. On mass they are clamouring to master the skill of Computer pRogramming. It has been dubbed the ‘4th’ R’ (computer pRogramming) along with Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. So, governments worldwide have launched initiatives to have it taught in schools from Kindergarten to all the way to high school. So, how do we best teach and motivate the next generation in acquiring this skill? We describe a successful working model for the teaching of Computer pRogamming. We have been building upon this model for a couple of years now. Last year at EuroPython 2019 in Basel, we spoke about this subject and this year we would like to share more findings with the Python community about what we are learning about the teaching of Computer Programming to children and young people. The talk will describe a case study whereby computer programming (Python) was introduced to a group of 110 young people from the ages of 11 to 18, in a U.K secondary school. The talk will include descriptions of the various teaching methodologies & the outcomes; & the challenges involved. The talk will conclude with helpful suggestions, on how to proceed in this area. |