Multicore computer are now part of our everyday life. Most desktop and laptop machines out there bundle a dual-core processor, quad-core processor or even 8-core processor by default. This multiplication of the number of core on the same chip is destined to become the way for manufacturers to remain competitive. However, developers were a bit left out in this process, having written sequential programs for ages whereas they were now required to parallelize their program to make them efficient which isn't an easy step to take. That's why we now see the apparition of framework designed to help programmers to take advantage of this new architecture of processor by hiding away the parallel difficulty under primitives that they are used to. ParallelFx is one of such framework for the Mono and .NET world. By providing several new parallel constructs and concurrent data structures, it allows Mono applications to enter painlessly in this new multicore era. This talk will cover several points : * What options Mono provide to speed up applications today * A bit of background on the framework * The components ParallelFx provides * Some how-to and usage of the framework * Status of ParallelFx in Mono |