Over the years web services have become an integral part of web and mobile applications. From critical business applications like SAP to mobile applications used by millions, web services are becoming more of an attack vector than ever before. Unfortunately, penetration testers haven't kept up with the popularity of web services, recent advancements in web service technology, testing methodologies and tools. In fact, most of the methodologies and tools currently available either don't work properly, are poorly designed or don't fully test for real world web service vulnerabilities. In addition, environments for testing web service tools and attack techniques have been limited to home grown solutions or worse yet, production environments. In this presentation Tom, Josh and Kevin will discuss the new security issues with web services and release an updated web service testing methodology that will be integrated into the OWASP testing guide, new Metasploit modules and exploits for attacking web services and a open source vulnerable web service for the Samurai-WTF (Web Testing Framework) that can be used by penetration testers to test web service attack tools and techniques. Tom Eston is a Senior Security Consultant for SecureState. Tom is a senior member of SecureState's Profiling team, which provides attack and penetration testing services for SecureState's clients. Tom focuses much of his research on new technologies such as social media and mobile devices. He is the founder of SocialMediaSecurity.com which is an open source community dedicated to exposing the insecurities of social media. Tom is also a security blogger, co-host of the Security Justice and Social Media Security podcasts and is a frequent speaker at security user groups and national conferences including Notacon, OWASP AppSec, DEFCON and ShmooCon. Joshua "Jabra" Abraham joined Rapid7 in 2006 as a Security Consultant. Josh has extensive IT Security and Auditing experience and worked as an enterprise risk assessment analyst for Hasbro Corporation. Josh specializes in penetration testing, web application security assessments, wireless security assessments, and custom code development. He has spoken at BlackHat, DEFCON, ShmooCon, The SANS Pentest Summit, Infosec World, CSI, OWASP Conferences, LinuxWorld, Comdex and BLUG. In his spare time, he contributes code to open source security projects such as the BackTrack LiveCD, BeEF, Nikto, Fierce, and PBNJ. He is frequently quoted in the media regarding Microsoft Patch Tuesday and web application security by ComputerWorld, DarkReading and SC Magazine. Kevin Johnson is a security consultant and founder of Secure Ideas. Kevin came to security from a development and system administration background. He has many years of experience performing security services for fortune 100 companies, and in his spare time he contributes to a large number of open source security projects. Kevin's involvement in open-source projects is spread across a number of projects and efforts. He is the founder of many different projects and has worked on others. He founded BASE, which is a Web front-end for Snort analysis. He also founded and continues to lead the SamuraiWTF live DVD. This is a live environment focused on Web penetration testing. He also founded Yokoso and Laudanum, which are focused on exploit delivery. Kevin is a certified instructor for SANS and the author of Security 542: Web Application Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking. He also presents at industry events, including DEFCON and ShmooCon, and for various organizations, like Infragard, ISACA, ISSA, and the University of Florida. |