German | German Fluß und Küste, eine Schotter-Untersuchung. Vergleich der Form von Korngrößenverteilungen des zerklüfteten Anstehenden, von Fluß- und Küstenschottern in Calabrien, Süditalien. Im Verlauf der Schotterentwicklung findet eine Symmetrisierung von Rosin- zu Gaußverteilungen statt. Methoden, Probennahme (Bagger), Berechnung (Verteilungstypen). |
English | English Grain-size frequency distributions of jointed and weathered source rocks, of regolith, rock fall talus and alluvial fans in Calabria, Southern Italy, are predominantly positively skewed and follow the Rosin distribution law rather than being lognormally distributed. The same is true of most river gravel of the very short Calabrian mountain rivers and their river-mouth sediments. Only during longshore transport the shoreface gravel populations tend to become more and more symmetrically distributed and to show lognormal, Gauss distributions. Thus the Rosin-distribution of the river-gravel is interpreted as a relictic, primary source-rock feature. The transformation of non-symmetrical, early stages to more mature, later stages of a transport development of gravel distributions may be used as a measure of textural maturity, expressed and quantified by a computer executed goodness-of-fit test. |