German | German Ringelwurm. Habitus und Bewegungsweise adulter Tiere. Nahrungsaufnahme: Einstrudeln suspendierter Nahrungsteilchen mit Hilfe der Wimpern des Kopfes. Kopulation, männliche Geschlechtsorgane, Weibchen vor der Eiablage, erste Schritte der Embryonalentwicklung, Schlüpfen der Jungtiere. |
English | English In the first scenes of the film the organization and the locomotion of adult specimens of the interstitial archiannelid Trilobodrilus axi are shown. Then, feeding on a suspension of Dunaliella is demonstrated: the cilia of the head create a strong water current that brings the particles to the mouth where they are swept into the oesophagus. In further scenes, the male reproductive organs, copulating animals and fully developed females can be seen. Finally, cleavage, further development and hatching of the juveniles are shown. |