Abstract | German | German Buntbarsch. Bau der Laichgrube durch das Männchen, Rütteln, Führungsschwimmen und Zeigen der Eiflecken des Männchen, Pickbewegungen des Weibchens, Scheinlaichen, Ablaichen. Die Eier werden sofort ins Maul des Weibchens aufgenommen, die Besamung erfolgt durch Schnappen nach den Eierflecken auf der Afterflosse des Männchens. | English | English The film shows the spawning behaviour of the mouthbreeding cichlid, Haplochromis burtoni. As in related species it is only the male that builds the spawning pit. The female merely shows rudimentary digging movements. The male leads the female to the spawning pit. While vibrating in front of her, he displays the coloured egg-dummies on the spread anal fin. After several spawning attempts, the female begins to lay eggs, which she immediately takes in her mouth. Subsequently, she attempts to take up the dummy eggs from the male's anal fin. She thereby takes up sperms released by the male, and inseminates the eggs in her mouth. |