German | German Der Tanz wird in der Fasnachtzeit von 12 Mädchen um einen geschmückten Baum, an dem unterhalb der Krone lange Bänder angebracht sind, aufgeführt. Während des Tanzes werden die in den Händen gehaltenen roten und weißen Bänder im Flechtmuster um den Baumstamm gewunden und wieder abgewickelt. |
English | English The "Bändeltanz" is performed at prelenten carnival time. The female dancers from a circle around a decorated pole, to which long ribbons have been attached just below the crown. Every dancer holds the end of a ribbon in her hand. The dancers move around the pole in time to the music. At the same time, pairs of them turn around each other. By this means the ribbons are later unrolled. |