German | German Geißelspinne. Balz des Männchens durch Fühlerbein-Vibration, Vorspringen und Schaukeln vor dem Weibchen. Bildung der Spermatophore und Bearbeiten mit den Chelizeren, Ziehen des Weibchens über die Spermatophore, Aufnahme der Spermapakete in die weibliche Geschlechtsöffnung. |
English | English The film shows the mating behaviour of Tarantula marginemaculata from Florida. Before depositing the spermatophore, the male courts the female by trembling movements of one antenniform leg and by jumping foreward and rocking in front of the female. The freshly deposited spermatophore is at first manipulated by the male, before the female approaches and tries to pick up the sperm packages. Finally the male pulls the female over the spermatophore and she picks up the sperm. The whole mating behaviour takes one to three hours. |