German | German Blütenbesuchende Fledermaus. Schwirrflug beim Nektartrinken, auf der Stelle stehend, Abschlag mit gestreckten, ausgebreiteten Schwingen unter großem Anstellwinkel; Flügelaufschlag mit gerafftem Armteil, aber gedrehtem Handteil zur Auftrieberzeugung. Mit Zeitdehnung. |
English | English The film shows slow motion takes of the hovering flight of a glossophagine bat whirring on the spot while licking honey water from a pipette. The kinematics of the hovering flight can be observed in takes from the side, from above and from the front. The downward beat of the wings takes place with out-stretched, spread wings with a considerable inclination to the airflow. During the upward sweep a functional division of the wings takes place: the arm part is gathered and led up with little air resistance, the hand is turned sharply so that its morphological upper side receives a positive inclination angle relative to the oncoming airflow. In this way lift may be produced in the upward as well as the downward movements. |