German | German Bau und Entstehung des Kopulationsorgans aus der Afterflosse. Kämpfe um Reviere und Rangordnung bei den Männchen: Bisse, Rammstöße, Maulkämpfe. Balz: Wiegen, Betupfen des Weibchens (Nippen), Rückwärtsschwimmen, Balztanz. Kopulation und Verankerung des männlichen Gonopodiums, "Gonopodialschwingen", Geburt (lebendgebärend). (Vgl. Film D 1178). |
English | English As an introduction, the male and female of the Green Swordtail are presented, the sexual differences, including the development of the gonopodium, is explained and the range of the species is shown. A high-ranking alpha-male drives a lover-ranking male away. Where only slight differences in rank occur, the males threaten each other frequently. If the rank-order is not yet decided, and two males are about the same size, aggression increases until an intensive fight begins. This will decide the future rank-order. The courtship patterns of the male, including possible variations, are first shown separately and then in sequence. During copulation the male inserts the tip of his gonopodium as an holdfast-mechanism into the female's genital opening. Finally, the birth of a number of young fish is shown. Very rapid sequences of motion are shown in slow motion (64 f/s). |