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Formal Metadata

Development of the Flour Moth Ephestia kuehniella
Alternative Title
Entwicklungsbiologie der Mehlmotte Ephestia kuehniella
No Open Access License:
German copyright law applies. This film may be used for your own use but it may not be distributed via the internet or passed on to external parties.
IWF SignatureC 1760
Release Date
Other Version
Production Year1989

Technical Metadata

IWF Technical DataFilm, 16 mm, LT, 186 m ; F, 17 min

Content Metadata

Subject Area
Introductory the film presents the external morphology of the adult moth. The newly hatched adults display a characteristic mating behaviour which initiates copulation and egg deposition. Embryonic development lasts about 4 1/2 days (at 23°C). The post-embryonic life includes 5-6 larval instars (altogether 40-45 days), the pupal phase (about 11 days) and relatively short imaginal stage. Larvae live within their food. The last instar larva leaves the food and spins a cocoon, within which the immobilized prepupa enters the pupal molt. During pupal time the development of imaginal traits can externally be traced chiefly by pigmentation processes. Finally the cuticle breaks and the imago leaves the pupal case. After the wings are inflated (by hemolymph), stretched, and hardened, the moth is ready to fly.
IWF Classification