Abstract | German | German Steppenzebra. Staubbad, Wälzen über den Rücken, Scheuern am Boden, Scheuern im Stehen an einem Baum, an einer Uferböschung und an Felsbrocken, Kratzen mit dem Hinterbein am Kopf, Beknabbern an Brust und Kruppe. Soziale Hautpflege durch gegenseitiges Beknabbern. | English | English Various displays of skin hygiene in the plains zebra. Places without vegetation serve for dust baths. The animals lie down, roll onto their sides and over their backs. In further sequences they rub themselves on trees, bushes, and rocks, scratch their heads with a hind hoof, and groom each other in places, such as neck and shoulder, which they themselves cannot reach. |