Pocket Science Lab
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Lizenz | CC-Namensnennung 2.0 Belgien: Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt zu jedem legalen Zweck nutzen, verändern und in unveränderter oder veränderter Form vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen, sofern Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.5446/44483 (DOI) | |
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Open SourceHardwareMobiles EndgerätOffene MengeSelbst organisierendes SystemProjektive EbeneVorzeichen <Mathematik>Computeranimation
Selbst organisierendes SystemOffene MengeKollaboration <Informatik>Offene MengeKartesische KoordinatenSelbst organisierendes SystemOpen SourceProjektive EbeneSoftwareentwicklerComputeranimation
ServerAbfrageProjektive EbeneBitHardwareSoftwaret-TestEreignishorizontMultiplikationsoperatorHinterlegungsverfahren <Kryptologie>TermBildschirmmaskeZeitreiseInstantiierungPhysikalische TheorieComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
Offene MengeVersionsverwaltungTeilbarkeitBildschirmmaskeComputerProjektive Ebenet-TestBildschirmmaskeCASE <Informatik>VersionsverwaltungOpen SourceGrenzschichtablösungFunktionalSoftwareentwicklerLineares FunktionalForcingEinflussgrößePunktMultiplikationsoperatorComputeranimation
VersionsverwaltungOffene MengeBildschirmmaskeTeilbarkeitFormation <Mathematik>RückkopplungWhiteboardZusammenhängender GraphMultiplikationsoperatorDifferenteTeilbarkeit
BimodulBildschirmmaskeTeilbarkeitPersönliche IdentifikationsnummerMultiplikationsoperatorBildschirmmaskeBimodulWhiteboardDeskriptive StatistikLeistung <Physik>CASE <Informatik>Computeranimation
Humanoider RoboterBenutzerfreundlichkeitHardwareInterface <Schaltung>BenutzeroberflächeWeb-ApplikationClientSoftwareentwicklerTabelleHumanoider RoboterSchaltnetzLeistung <Physik>Mathematische LogikKartesische KoordinatenLogikanalysatorDifferenteSchnittmengeComputeranimation
KontrollstrukturDesintegration <Mathematik>Humanoider RoboterEinflussgrößeKomponente <Software>Lineares zeitinvariantes SystemApp <Programm>DifferenteHumanoider RoboterFunktionalKartesische KoordinatenLineares FunktionalComputeranimation
Mathematische LogikElektronischer ProgrammführerSpannweite <Stochastik>Hill-DifferentialgleichungInterface <Schaltung>Humanoider RoboterApp <Programm>Leistung <Physik>LogikanalysatorWellenlehreKartesische KoordinatenComputeranimation
QuadratzahlPlot <Graphische Darstellung>SinusfunktionGenerator <Informatik>Funktion <Mathematik>Elektronischer ProgrammführerKontrollstrukturPrimzahlzwillinget-TestComputerVideokonferenzApp <Programm>Humanoider RoboterInterface <Schaltung>BitZahlenbereichComputeranimation
WellenlehreZirkel <Instrument>Mathematische LogikHardwareTheoretische PhysikViewerEinfach zusammenhängender RaumMaschinencodeGamecontrollerBildschirmmaskeProgrammbibliothekTelekommunikationSystemprogrammierungHumanoider RoboterDisk-ArrayFirmwareSoftwareKeller <Informatik>ProgrammEin-AusgabeSpannungsmessung <Mechanik>Strom <Mathematik>Modul <Datentyp>DreieckKontrollstrukturGenerator <Informatik>SinusfunktionAuflösung <Mathematik>EinflussgrößeSpannweite <Stochastik>ComputerspielFrequenzWellenformPhasenumwandlungLokales MinimumTVD-VerfahrenAnalogieschlussFunktion <Mathematik>KonstanteWidgetLineares FunktionalGrenzschichtablösungSchaltnetzBitCASE <Informatik>Persönliche IdentifikationsnummerGamecontrollert-TestProgrammiergerätUmwandlungsenthalpieStichprobenumfangFirmwareApp <Programm>Ein-AusgabeKeller <Informatik>Generator <Informatik>LogikanalysatorMeterProgrammbibliothekAnalogieschlussSoftwaretestFormation <Mathematik>Rechter WinkelDatensatzKlasse <Mathematik>OrdnungsbegriffZweiComputeranimation
BitStapeldateiProdukt <Mathematik>ComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
Produkt <Mathematik>Automatische HandlungsplanungBitComputeranimation
HardwareRöhrenflächeMereologieE-MailDifferenteOrdnung <Mathematik>SoftwaretestProdukt <Mathematik>VideokonferenzCASE <Informatik>Reelle ZahlMultiplikationsoperatorRuhmasseZusammenhängender GraphStapeldateiSoundverarbeitungAutomatische HandlungsplanungPersönliche IdentifikationsnummerSichtenkonzeptUnternehmensarchitekturWhiteboardInstantiierungGrenzschichtablösungMereologieCodeBinärdatenMailing-ListeComputeranimation
HardwareKomponente <Software>Produkt <Mathematik>MereologieKlon <Mathematik>SoftwaretestMereologieLineares FunktionalProdukt <Mathematik>Rechter WinkelMinkowski-MetrikInstantiierungPersönliche IdentifikationsnummerKonfiguration <Informatik>SichtenkonzeptSoftwaretestZusammenhängender GraphInformationsmanagementDesign by ContractBitAutomatische HandlungsplanungTaskTeilbarkeitComputeranimation
Elektronischer Programmführert-TestSoftwareentwicklerComputeranimation
VideokonferenzWeb logRückkopplungHumanoider RoboterWhiteboardDistributionenraumDatenfeldCASE <Informatik>Expertensystemt-TestProjektive EbeneVorzeichen <Mathematik>Rechter WinkelOffene MengeMobiles EndgerätHardwareEin-AusgabeOrdnung <Mathematik>PunktWärmeleitfähigkeitHilfesystemSoftwareKartesische KoordinatenGüte der AnpassungArithmetisches MittelMultiplikationsoperatorVideokonferenzBitNotebook-ComputerMomentenproblemGebäude <Mathematik>ClientTelekommunikationRückkopplungBimodulTeilbarkeitComputerRoutingVersionsverwaltungChromatisches PolynomComputeranimation
Twitter <Softwareplattform>Coxeter-GruppeEreignishorizontInformationForcingComputeranimationVorlesung/Konferenz
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
So, thank you very much for being here today, and thank you to the organizer for giving me a chance to come here and speak about our project, Pocket Sign Lab. I'm going to pass this device around so you can take a look at the device.
It's okay, I'm not saying that yet. I prepared some notes. It's so much easier because I've got so many people here. So, my name is Hong Phu Thang. I come from Vietnam. I'm one of the contributors of ForceAsia.
What is ForceAsia? ForceAsia is an open-source developer community based in Asia. We try to get more Asian contributors to various open-source projects. Our idea is to foster the collaboration and create ideas and applications to improve people's lives through open technology.
The organization started in 2009. These are some of the projects developed by ForceAsia. Since the start, we mostly focus on software, but now we are doing hardware, so I want to tell the story in a bit.
So, how do I say that? Every year at the ForceAsia, we organize one event similar to Forcedom to get people together and work on projects.
In 2014, there was a ForceAsia event in Phnom Penh. When I met this person, Rabin Patel, he is a business teacher from India, from a very small town called Belgaon. It was also his first time traveling outside of India. He came to ForceAsia to talk about how to teach students Python in his country.
He taught it and said that it's really challenging in terms of science subjects because students never get a hold of a device.
For instance, an oscilloscope, the whole school only has one in the lab. They basically learn from theory, but they don't have a hand on. He came to us and said, is there any solution out there that could help the students to understand better how to work with electronics? As a community, we try to foster education and we make the commitment to Pravin Sen.
We will check around to see if somebody is already doing something out there around the world and we can collaborate and bring this into school in India. A year later, Rabin came to us and showed us something called the C-Lovelet.
The C-Lovelet is also a very small device, like a mini laboratory, to measure electric and many other functions. So Rabin told us, is it possible to promote it?
Now they have basic functions, but it's not entirely optimized for learners. So they asked if the ForceAsia community can help to extend the device. At that time, the device is a closed source device. At ForceAsia, we only want to release an open source project.
So several months of discussion from the original C-Lovelet, there was a developer called Cheatin, an electronic student from India working on this project. We spent several weeks to convince him that if you want the community to help and contribute, you should open the schematic of the device.
At one point, Cheatin agreed that he will open the schematic and push everything on GitHub so that people can collaborate and work on this project. After the device is open, it gives more people the opportunity to look into it.
This is the first version of something that is made by the community based on the C-Lovelet. The first version of the BSLab has the form of the Arduino UNO. The reason why we chose to do it in this form is because we want to make use of the existing cases in the market.
So you only build the board and get the case out there. We produced about 200 of these pocket science labs to try to distribute and get feedback from the people.
In 2017, we bring this device to the CCC and some people recommended that we should not mount different components on two sides of the board, but gather everything on one side, which can reduce the cost to 25%.
So we did that and we redesigned the board the second time. This time, we followed the Arduino MEGA form with the power button to use the case. At this time, we implemented Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules and also enhanced some of the things that you see on the board.
On the back-hand side, you can see the description of the pins. We also included four more digital pins. This is just a recap of the development of the BSLab.
It comes from the C-Lovelet, then the pocket science lab hardware, and then different clients that we built from the community, BSLab, desktop, Android, and web apps. Right now, this is something that we are having. I think that I forgot in the beginning what is the usage of this device.
I've been talking about it. So basically, it is a four-channel oscilloscope. It is a combination of an oscilloscope, a large logic analyzer, multi-needle. It also comes with a power source, so everything in one device.
It includes different instruments. How you can run the device? You just need a USB connector to plug into your phone. We developed an open-source Android application that helps you to control the device. It also has a Python desktop app.
Is it clear enough? Yes? Thank you. So basically, that's how it looks right now. The application is available on Android and also on Android.
When you open it, you will see different functions and features that you can play around with. This is the interface of the Android app, how it looks like. We just got inspired by the traditional device. We tried to make the interface very close to the real oscilloscope.
There is also a power source and a multi-needle logic analyzer wave generator. This is something that I really like about the device, even though I don't have an electronic background. When you open an instrument, at the end there is a button that indicates documentation.
So the team actually introduces the guy how to use the device into the application. When you click on it, it will show you the oscilloscope and what you can do with it. This is really optimized for young students and beginners who want to learn electronics.
The desktop app looks a little bit less modern than the Android one. We also have a number of people working on it, but it seems that it needs to improve more of the interface. Right now, this is the combination of all the functionalities of the device.
To summarize again, because I did not explain it clearly in the beginning. Another thing that you can do with the device is that you can see that there are a lot of valuable pins that you can insert to measure data.
One of the use cases is that in the classroom, the students tend to measure the temperature. This is something that we use the temperature sensor and the humidity sensor for chemistry classes. Most of the sensors that you use with the Arduino also work on the BSLab.
If you find a sensor that is not compatible, the firmware is open, so you can actually write about it yourself. This is a little bit about the software stack of the device.
It is a Python library. We have a desktop app. Also, the Android, as I mentioned earlier, all of these technology sets, you can find on the GitHub of Asia. The firmware is also available there if you want to check it out.
This is a little bit more about the specification of the device. For a general oscilloscope, 2 million samples per second, 12 bits or 4 meters with a programmable gain.
It also has 12-bit programmable voltage sources. You can see the logic analyzer for megahertz and a few other things.
They also have the capability to measure capacitance. This is way from generators. This is a little bit more specific about this particular instrument.
BSLab also has several 12-bit analog inputs which function as a voltmeter. If you are interested, this is the voltage and the current source up to minus and plus 5.
There are three different controllers. Now a little bit about the production of the device. We produce this in China in Shenzhen.
We also work with the Frau Hofer Institute in Germany to produce this device. Two months ago, we started the first batch and we produced 1,000 of those. This is some of the pictures of what happened in China when we met the producer.
I did not go there, but my colleague went there. Unfortunately, he cannot be here today. His plans are big on his behalf. I will share a little bit about the lessons learned from China if you ever want to go to Shenzhen and do some kind of manufacturing for your product.
When you find on Alibaba, they are a list of suppliers. If you want to produce something, they always ask you for the bomb. I guess everyone here already knows the piece of material. It took us a lot of time to design this document.
When you have different components that you want to make the device, the supplier will give you. Different suppliers give a lot of different code. So sometimes, even the small components, the price difference is really big. If you don't speak Chinese, it's very difficult to find out why it's such a big difference in the price.
They told us that if you order the parts from the rules or from the truth, it also has an impact on the price to order. For instance, if you plan to roll out the product in January or February, some of the components,
because the persons who assemble the product actually do not have the components themselves, they have to order from another supplier. So you need to plan with them in advance. Sometimes, some components only come like five or four months later, or if you want the components dried away the next month, the price could be four or five times more expensive. And then they also recommended to use something they call remanufactured components.
Anyone knows what a remanufactured component is? Yes. Yes, yes, exactly. So somebody orders and then returns and then reorders again. I think in the U.S. they call it refurbished, something like that.
Yeah, refurbished. So in China, the producer, we call it remanufactured. And then another thing that we experienced is the micro-USB heater does not fit into the PCB. And we have to, you know, we order only 1000, China 1000 device,
but every single device we need to have a person there to test everything. So it's really a lot of work. If you just order online and you don't have anyone actually live in China and check every single thing, it could be quite costly to produce something because you're not sure what are the percentage of the device that would workable at the end.
And then, so because my colleague is there, so we find out that several female bin heaters were not sold straight. So we have to ask them to do it again. And it's also, it takes a lot of effort and also BS Lab didn't work due to reflash problem or some faulty of the parts.
So right now for the first 1000 we test everything one by one. Yeah. But we learned recently there is also, there is a better way to test the mass production product.
If you look for Ban Nihong test mass production, you will see a very good article that he explained everything about testing. So for the next batch of production, we're going to follow this guy to this guideline that he outlined there.
We work very closely to the producer. Some producer, they don't have the test, how do you say, the test case, so the automatic test. But it depends. If you want to go to somebody very professional, they might have it, but because this board is customized, so they need to also customize another board for you to test the entire device.
So it took a lot of time to convince them and hopefully for the next one we can have the automatic test case for this. This is a picture of just a faulty part that's taken there. Yes, so and a few other things that we learned, don't always go for the cheapest option because it might have some problem.
But if some component that you think is not so crucial to the function of the device, there is Chinese branded component that you can relate instead of some well-known component.
And before you go to China, please take a look at the national holiday. For instance, right now is public holiday, so they're going to have 10 days off. And if you decide that you go there at that time, you're not going to be able to meet anyone.
And again, so we did not plan for the extra charge of production. For instance, when they sold, how do I say this,
so even though you give them the bill of material already in the beginning and everything agree upon the size of the ribbon, later on they will say that, okay, so because it's a little bit more complicated, if you want to change a little bit.
So during the divide the board, we decided, okay, so maybe this connector, we move it a little bit on the left-hand side so that we have more space for other pins. And because it's slightly different than what we agreed in the beginning, they said that they need to charge us extra for this. So the best would be to have one or two already that task and then after the side of contract,
but whenever you want to change the bond, there would be an extra cost involved. What next with the Pakistan lab? We actually been distributed to school in Singapore and India.
It's now being a pilot in Dunman High School and ITE in Singapore for the students. And what is missing right now, we work together with the teachers on more tutorials and we also have our developers to go out and give workshops to show people how to work with the device.
If you have the knowledge, you are the developer and hobbyist, it's easy for you but for the students. We need more detailed guides and tutorials to help them get in starting with. And so the reason why we are here today is because we hope to get feedback from you.
I believe that you all here have more knowledge than me and also expert in the field while you are here in this hardware room. So we hope that you can check out the device and look at the technology stack
and help us to give advice for us how we can make it better. So our goal is to make this device portable and more affordable for wider population in Asia and everywhere. So if you have a lot of young students to learn electronics,
everything that we do is available on the GitHub for Asia and the main communication channel of this project is on GitHub. So if you go there, there are always people on the channel who can answer questions. And another thing that we are looking into right now, so we need a lot of help to improve the desktop application.
The Android is working well because a lot of young people in India and everywhere, they like to work on Android, but the desktop is a little bit slow. We have an upgrade, so we wanted to upgrade to Python 3.7, a lot of outdated dependencies right now. So for me, I tried to install on my laptop, but it took me, I think, one day or so in order to make it working.
But it doesn't mean that it will take one day for everyone. At the moment, we do not support iOS phone. We only have Android, but we also hope that we'll be able to have it on iOS.
We already started to work on this, but at one point we realized that it's really tricky because Apple really tried to restrict the device that can connect it to their phone. And at the moment, we have many people from Japan and also from India, from Germany.
We got actually a lot of order in Germany that tested the device. We did not have so good review. The people said that, okay, so it's not, there's something that's not working, but compared to, for, this is 55 euro, and compared to something like 400, or something, it's a lot, with a lot of work.
So this is not the best device, but we try whatever we can. So if you make any experiment and you have any knowledge, we'd really appreciate if you can share your videos or document online with us, and have to conduct workshop with Pocket Sign Lab. We distribute this right now in Germany.
If you go to the Pocket Sign Lab, talk, you can order anywhere in Europe and Singapore. We also have a distribution partner in Japan, which is Switch Science, and in China, we sell with Sys, Studio, and Taobao. So we are available almost many major places.
The board right now doesn't come with a casing, but the casing can be printed out easily with the 3D printer or laser cutter, and decide the schematic of the casing, also available online,
if you just want to make the casing yourself. And we also talked to one partner in China to convince them that they can bring the casing. They don't produce the board, because for a lot of producers in China, this is already too cheap for them. So if they do it again, the same thing, if they do everything open,
if you want to produce, you can also do it yourself, but the price, they don't see a profit in doing this. So we have a few labs at the FOSSASIA stand on K-Building, if you are interested to get one of those. As I mentioned already, these are our distribution channels,
and we are talking with our friends in Russia, Vietnam, India, and Thailand, so we also want to distribute them in these different places. So we have a good network of people everywhere, and who want to support us to do this out to the market. I forgot to mention, if the chip on this device is the Microchip Big 24,
and a lot of people came to our booth and said, okay, so this is not open. The reason the project started about three years ago, at that time this was the only option available for us, and the person who started the project only chose this to work on. So if you want to change it again, you have to work on different components,
it's more tricky for us. But for the next version, we hope to talk with AMP, and have to be able to use the open chip instead. It's also already come with the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module, but it's not yet sold out.
The reason why it's not there yet, some of the distributors, they do not agree to have something with the Wi-Fi module already. So if you want it, you can sold it yourself at home. Okay, this is the end of my presentation. In March, there will be a gathering of Force Asia contributors from everywhere.
We also have a lot of visitors coming from Europe. We have one event similar to Force them, but it happened in Singapore. March 14 to 17 will be our 10th anniversary. If you happen to be there, or if you want to come and connect with Asian community,
please join us. All the information can be found under bslab.io. We are on LinkedIn, GitHub, and you can easily find us anywhere. That's it, and I'm sorry because of my accent, maybe people find it difficult to understand me,
but I'll try to speak as clearly as I can. Thank you very much for your attention.
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