You need more security in your application packaging
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Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
All right, you need more security in your application packaging which is kind of catchy title Let's get the boring part out of the way fast I'm a system administrator. I work at Red Hat as a support engineer I'm a little bit of a salty guy. So don't panic if I get too cynical or angry
I'm also a member of SIS army. SIS army is the Argentinian systems community and I'm also one of the organizers for Nerderla, which is kind of like our nerd conference down there And if you're wondering how it looks like
Picture over a thousand nerds all together in the same place so Before we actually begin the talk. I have a fair warning to give you As I said, I'm a system administrator. I'm not a developer The Opinions on this talk are my own they're based on my experience and my observations on the subject
This talk has a fair bit of jokes all of which are made with good faith and I have to tell you I don't have any magic solution for what I'm about to to show you I'm only pointing out the problems and showing you what we have right now and
Throwing my idea so we can ignite a conversation serious conversation at this topic and Most importantly always look on the bright side of life So first things first, we just saw the term security and packaging together So let's get the boring definitions out of the way and define both
So packaging is the process through which an application is delivered typically to an end user whereas security No, not that one That one this type of security in the broadest sense of the term information security We are talking about being protected against the unauthorized use of information. This typically involves an attacker
Attacking an application in order to gain something from it like for example stealing user data Now with a show of hands how many of you have actually related both terms security and packaging like ever
It doesn't count if you saw that the title of the talk Okay Good So you're probably wondering what's the deal? Why am I mixing both terms since you probably never thought of mixing those and Why am I making a talk out of this when there's so much good out in there in the world with there's not
The deal is that the current state of delivering software Regarding is with regard sorry to security implications is something like this so we are the little house of the prairie and we're about to be engulfed by a paraclastic cloud and Where we want to go is this and
Some people think all this good with the world and we're already there, but unfortunately we're not and as you just saw we're there so In order to understand the point of all this we're gonna have to first look at the different roles involved in getting an application from the developer to at the end user and
That way we'll be able to understand what the problem is Also note that some of the roles that I'm going to talk about might not be that evident at first so We first have the developer and that would be I think most of you guys The developer is mainly focused on coding and drinking coffee, I think
He's the one who knows the most about the application the architecture etc. And also the correct way to install the application On the other side of the spectrum. We have the end user The end user just wants the application to work That is assuming we have a way of knowing what the user wants whoever tells you that he's blatantly lying
We don't have any clue what the user wants The user of course knows next to nothing about the application. He's just a user He doesn't know how to install it. He's basically as helpless as this cute little baby cute, but helpless Now for the more obscure roles we have first the system administrator
whether you're running a hosted service for your application or you want to deliver the application to your users or just Keep the infrastructure up and running you're gonna need someone who has systems knowledge and it's gonna be this guy Maybe not this guy in particular, but someone who looks like that. So what does a system administrator want?
As a system administrator, I can answer this. We want a free weekend Free weekend no work and maybe a beer will be nice so for that to happen the application has to be In to put it in simple terms easily installable and it must not crash or it must survive
Catastrophe an attack or whatever if it doesn't we have an unhappy system and Last but not least. There's the security administrator or info sec for short I know I actually know some of these guys There's a big security conference in in Argentina every year and all they want is to see the war burn
That's really all they want Actually, not all companies might have these guys in the case of some companies the information security role might be mixed in with other roles like networking and whatnot and To all those companies out there without a guy like this. I'm gonna tell you this you're doomed
So to put things into perspective and better understand how do all the roles work together Let's look at it like this. Everything starts with a developer Deciding hey, let's release this. Let's make this available for users. He then goes over to the system administrator
So the application can be deployed or built or wherever and eventually the application is delivered to the end user So the system administrator is basically our bridge here Then the info set guys comes along and he seems to be lashing out at everybody But in fact what he's actually doing involves interacting with all three roles
He gives security guidelines to the developers in regards to architecture and good coding practices he gives architectural guidelines as well as good operations practice to the system means and Well, these two are the proactive ones. So he wants to prevent bad stuff from happening, but there's also a reactive one
In which he tries to keep the user at bay whenever the user decides to become a hacker and attack the application So In short the system administrator is the guy who will help you package the application and deliver it to your users Whereas the info sec administrator is the person making sure things run as smoothly as possible and
Nobody dying in the process So these two guys Maybe for some of you, it's the one of the first times you've heard about these guys Especially the info sec but you really want to be friends with these guys being friends will make your lives much much easier
So now we're going to begin to see the problems that are inherent in this world and the first one being that there's a gap between the developer and the user because the developer only wants to code and the User doesn't know how to install an application. How does it run and what that? So this gap could be divided in two axes
The first axis is the ease of installation and this is basically essentially taken care of by the system administrator Whether it be keeping the hosted up up and running or taking care to package the application so it can be installed by the users The system administrator is the guy doing this and the second axis is the security implications
So this is overseen by the info sec guy Basically the users want their application and their data that they're putting into the application to be 100% secure which we all know it will never be And the developer might not be so focused on the security side of things
So here's when the security administrator comes into the picture We're not gonna see much more about the system administrator The system administrator finally had a free weekend and is now enjoying his beer. So we're happy for him So basically at this point info sec guys comes in barges into the room kicks over everyone's desk and sets the office on fire
So we have these two axes that I just show you and the caveat here is that both axes are in fact Related because the more easy an application is to install Typically the less secure the application is and vice-versa The second problem we have and this is not inherently related to security but more related
In an indirect way when we look at it in terms of packaging is the dependencies problem I'm sure everybody in this room at some point had to deal with dependencies so basically you have to ensure that You have all the dependencies every time you want to release your application
But not only do you have to make sure that you have all the right dependencies you also have to make sure that you got the right versions of the dependencies and Eventually, this problem will get very very very large and it's what's collectively known as dependency hell So solving the dependencies a problem is a thing and it's a thing that we must take care of
In order to do that. We need to choose a packaging method Now there are many ways to package an application and we're going to be looking at them right now So the question will be essentially which one is the right one? Which ones do we choose? So Regarding the different approaches that we can take in packaging an application
This is a part that I've been dealing with for a lot of years Let's go over one way one The first one we have is the typical get it from the internet and run it just in one line of bash or whatever so This is what comes to my mind whenever I find an application that I want to try out and how to install it
Something like this, so I'm blindly running code from the internet in 2017. Come on You mean I shouldn't be looking at your code. I should just trust you and Finally, yeah, it's it's only one command It's all nice and packed and all you had to do was build one big blob of binary shenanigans
But what is the cost and I work in technical support and with the amount of security vulnerabilities? I see every day this obscure approach I seriously cannot fathom how many things can go wrong with this one So let's forget about this for a second at least
so next up we have github or git or any kind of version control where you Offer the version control version to to your users So show hands again everybody how many of you install software from github or git or any other? repos Okay, that's good now
How many of you actually read the code you're installing? Okay, okay. That's good. Actually. I thought no hands were going to be raised at this point So yeah, we're getting there I mean we need this right we need a place to host our code when we hopefully if you are pursuing an open-source approach
We're going to need it. Otherwise, nobody's going to respect us At least everyone now gets to see the code. But as you saw not everyone does Ideally when we have this approach we can already start documenting the dependencies of our project So that's kind of solves one of the problems The person on the other end
Downloading your project should know what they're getting and what should they need to have in order for the application to run properly Remember that not everyone reads the code. So this might not always be true Do you know that there is nothing and nobody actually enforcing this there's there's no one forcing us to Put up a dependencies document or anything of that sort
You can basically upload anything you want to get have because you're a strong independent human being but that's not enough you need to be a responsible at all to and last thing to note is that experienced users are going to look for this kind of approach because Like system administrators or info site guys want to look at the code want to know what the code has inside of it
So yeah, we should always have this available But it should not be the main way of packaging the application Now a rather new trend in the software world in the last couple of years is to use Docker or background or whatever Image format is new hit in town
We have to admit this is quite easy to use and easy to install and it's almost guaranteed to work It also solves our dependencies problem because we can just bundle them all inside the image That is in fact one of the main reasons for using this approach Forget dependencies, but from the user's perspective. Do we actually know what's inside the container?
I mean, I know we're talking about an open format We can disassemble it and look inside it, but we're not actually Encouraged to do it So it has a tendency to the dark side and another problem with this approach Is that somebody could be enticed to start bundling libraries and dependencies into it?
So that it makes it way easier for users to use and then at some point you have basically a big blob of Things and also when you have that many dependencies you have to rebuild the image Not only when you update the application, but also when the dependencies are updated for example in the case of a security vulnerability
So basically this is a king to inviting the slender man into your home See what the dependency problem can take us we just wanted to Make the have make the application available for users. Just a simple obligation and now we have this mythological fearless creature in a living room
So the next approach is people or pi pi which I'm assuming many here are familiar with For sure, we are solving the dependencies problem with people or pi pi and knowing that we're doing it, right? We're gathering the dependencies from the same place And it's with solutions like this where you really need to start thinking about
Community oversight in scientific circles. This would be akin to peer review You want somebody else to look at your application to find bugs and errors and whatnot? Now there is some community oversight When you're installing package from PIP when you're uploading when you're during you upload after the upload
Some not all and you're gonna see why in a minute There's also some digital signature support not in the way that we might know like GPG signatures It's rather via the tough framework the upper update upgrade framework
Unfortunately, the framework is outside the scope of this talk. So I really encourage you to go ahead and take a read It's really good. And at least now someone is thinking about security But one mean thing that can happen and has happened with PIP or pi pi Is what this guy and hope that I pronounce the name right Nikolai Saja Once did he did a study wherein he submitted typos quoted package names to pi pi
So for example instead of submitting simple JSON He submitted JSON in the hopes that some user might install it and he watched how many people install those fake packages That's linked to the to the study and
Believe me there were lots and lots and lots of installations of these fake packages and you know What's the scariest part in all of this and the reason behind Nikolai study? Is that PIP runs arbitrary code from the internet? I'm not saying PIP is not a solution I'm just saying we should keep that in mind whenever you download a package
There's arbitrary code being run and if you're not downloading the correct package, it's something bad. It's bound to happen And so the last method that we're going to cover is distro specific package management This is saying that Linux distributions It can be rpm dev file the works and this is the part that requires the most work to set it up
But the thing here is that not necessarily you guys the developers have to do this work Because the the Linux distros have a teams of people called package maintainers and the package maintainers What they what they do is basically take your application once your application has become a little bit famous and
Somebody wants to use it and they'll package it for you. So they're kind of packagers as a service and the approach is relatively easy for end users to install because most distribution distributions right now have a graphical update manager in addition to the console based interface and Most importantly this is the approach that has the most potential in regards to security
distros can sign their own packages when they're in their software channels and Another good thing is that once you make it into a community-based distro software channel It is the community that is tasked with improving the the application and sending you back reports all this
For the special low price of free so it would take a lot of time to go over this whole process in detail But for those not familiar with it rest assured It is one of the most enriching things that can happen to you as a software developer So we've seen a fair share now with the different Packaging approaches in terms of security and what they can provide so the question now is where do we go from here now?
Remember we want to get from here To here and I'm not saying we're going to make it just yet. Not tomorrow. Not the next week But at least we have to start heading the right way So we first have to at least start trying to solve the gap problem. So how do we tackle this one?
It's very simple. We just communicate It is not the definitive solution But it is the mandatory first step and one of the gap problems axis was ease of installation and a good way to reduce the gap on this axis is to have a good communication channel between Developers and system administrators and this is what the DevOps process is supposed to address although in my opinion
We still have a way to go But basically the developer side should inform the sysadmin side about their application architecture and help them understand the design process and The system administrators on the other hand should inform the developers about the best practices regarding
Operations and if you do this, right? We can get to a better place in terms of packaging itself and eventually make it better for the end users, too Now for the security axis of the gap the answer again is communication And this time between developers and infosec administrators An example of what can happen when communications in this regard fails is the shell shock vulnerability
I don't know if you guys are familiar with it a couple of years ago We had this big vulnerability in bash which is the main interpreter in any Linux distro and Unix system So as the first patch was released people started
Scrutinized bash and the patches more and more and more and what happened is that on top of the original vulnerability We've had not one not two, but rather five different vulnerabilities all in the span of a few days And this happened in one of the most used pieces of software in the open source world So it can happen to anyone but if you communicate good and fast you can prevent this
As for the dependencies problem A good starting point is to stop making it that easy for the users don't Expect the users to always be dumb give them some headway and let them you know tinker a little bit and instead of choosing
Seemingly easy ways of delivering the application prioritize the cleanest and the most open ones They are out there and a good example of this are package managers Whether it be language specific package managers like PIP or always a specific package managers like yum or apt or whatever
In fact, there are other alternatives that have sprung up in the past year or two like flat pack or snap I don't have enough time in the talk to go over these ones But they're relatively new and they're worth considering because the ecosystem appears to be wanted to take that path And finally if you really want an adventure you can always go the distro way now as you can probably tell by now
I am a little bit biased I do believe you have a good chunk of experience with the other methods so the aim of this talk was to point out all the the evident and not so evident problems and Providing other way and before going to this row It is important for you to understand the difference between a community back distro and an enterprise back distro
So in a community back distro the work is done mainly by volunteers people who aren't being paid for that And they're just doing that because they love it Whereas in an enterprise back distro, of course, there's a company behind it and there's tons of money behind it so
Sorry, once you've gained enough traction in a community-based distro an enterprise distro will pick you up and then you have More people looking at your code and I'm making this distinction because there's a circle between community and enterprise so companies often offer volunteers to community distros and Then take the community improvements back into the products
So we had befriend the community and you befriend them all but above all You should really befriend the package maintainers. These are the people in charge of getting your software to the users and If you communicate with them early and often and if you let them know when release is going to happen, maybe a
Few days in advance, especially if we're talking about a security release that'll make things so much better And the idea is that you make this update cycle easy for them And I mean this make it easy for them and looking at you get lab All right That's all so now we have time for some questions. I believe thank you
Thank you for showing us a road to the fairytale world of unicorns
Okay, if you have any questions you can find me around the conference the next few days just look for the guy in the black Hat, that will be me. So sorry. I took more time that I that I intended. Thank you again