"Arc-clouds" in Thunderstorms
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Formale Metadaten
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Lizenz | Keine Open-Access-Lizenz: Es gilt deutsches Urheberrecht. Der Film darf zum eigenen Gebrauch kostenfrei genutzt, aber nicht im Internet bereitgestellt oder an Außenstehende weitergegeben werden. | |
Identifikatoren | 10.3203/IWF/C-1358eng (DOI) | |
IWF-Signatur | C 1358 | |
Herausgeber | ||
Erscheinungsjahr | ||
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Andere Version | ||
Produzent | ||
Produktionsjahr | 1979 |
Technische Metadaten
IWF-Filmdaten | Film, 16 mm, LT, 60 m ; F, 5 1/2 min |
Inhaltliche Metadaten
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Abstract |
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IWF-Klassifikation |
Transkript: Englisch(automatisch erzeugt)
Thunderstorms and arc clouds. The mature stage of a thunderstorm is
characterized by an intense updraft and a neighboring downdraft. The cold air produced within the cloud accelerates downward and spreads at the surface. The leading edge of this cold air shows many characteristics of a cold front. It is accompanied by a pronounced squall. Frequently it is
marked by a characteristic arc cloud. Mostly the pseudo cold front moves
faster than the thunderstorm itself. It occurs that it travels more than a hundred kilometres ahead of the thundercloud. From space it appears this
way. The following scene has been prepared from the geostationary satellite Meteosat-1 exhibiting the development of a large thunderstorm
system over Nigeria. The narrow band of convective clouds traveling radially
away from the thunderstorm is an example of a typical arc cloud concurrent with the pseudo cold front of the laterally spreading cold downdraft, the squall. In this case the squall travels to distances of 400
kilometres from the thunderstorm center. In this scene a group of
thunderstorms develops over southern Algeria. They create a number of arc clouds which interfere and finally organize themselves in a larger squall
front. At least three distinct formations of arc clouds can be observed around this thunderstorm cluster. They grow together and in the
direction of 1,000 kilometres in diameter. This is the same scene as
viewed in the infrared spectral range. Thus it becomes possible to trail the further development of the arc cloud structures throughout the following night.
Serie mit 2 Medien