TPDL 2016 - Workshop: Videos in digital libraries: What’s in it for libraries, publishers and scientists?
1 hour 32 minutes
4 results
68Edig, Xenia vanBesides data sets, model code, and other underlying material, authors may also produce scientific videos relating to their articles. Outlets such as YouTube do not seem to be appropriate locations to host such scientific video supplements or video abstracts due to a lack of reliable long-term preservation and licensing. Therefore, Copernicus Publications and the TIB|AV-Portal of the National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) partnered to provide authors who publish in Copernicus’ open-access journals with the opportunity to host their videos in the TIB|AV-Portal and link them to their articles and vice versa via DOIs. This paper presents first experiences and examples from this collaboration.
2016Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)
58Scheel, TilmanProviding access to video can be challenging, especially when it comes to film. To clear the rights, to get hands on the material, to manage the licenses, different language versions and age ratings - all this needs to be solved before a film is shown to any kind of public. More often than not, public institutions do neither have the expertise, the personnel, the money or the experience to answer to this challenge. The solution suggested by AVA – Audio Visual Access is collaboration. Film festivals, public libraries and a technology company with a focus on Video on Demand work together to provide festival films to public libraries and cultural institutions across Europe. The festivals select the films, curate programs, clear the rights and provide the video files and the institutions provide the space, visibility and the audience. The technology company is providing the services and solutions: In AVA we are creating a platform that allows all the different partners to work together on rights management, access for the audience, cloud transcoding, VoD, authentication services etc. etc. Another aspect is worth mentioning: Money. Collaboration projects like AVA are proving very successful with funding institutions. AVA is being financed under the Audience Development call by the MEDIA program of the European Union. Another project run by the reelport GmbH on Virtual Reality with a similar consortium has been awarded funding by the H2020 program of the European Union, too. In the light of this success of AVA we strongly encourage partnerships between everybody dealing with digital video, science and other public institutions, content providers and tech – companies alike.
2016Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)
70Karras, OliverRequirements for a software product are mainly shared through a textual specification. One key ability in successful software organizations is a good requirements communication based on understandable information. Developers can only implement a useful and satisfying software product if they obtain and understand requirements properly. One challenge of writing requirements is to describe complex and interactive contents in an understandable manner. Videos offer a large potential to achieve such an easy-to-understand representation. Attached videos can enhance the reader’s understanding by using them as supplementary material for specifications. Despite their large potential, videos are not an established part of requirements specifications: The effort to produce videos is high, the corresponding motivation is low and the use of videos is cumbersome due to missing links between requirements and videos. We propose guidelines to support the identification of content which is appropriate to be supplemented by videos. We develope a starting set of guidelines that consider the different information types of a requirements specification with their presentation modes and characteristics. This paper presents an overview of our findings about improving the content-related linking between requirements and videos. We discuss the perspectives, advantages and obstacles for enhancing the comprehensibility of textual requirements conveyed by videos.
2016Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)
190Molnár, Attila DávidSince publishers launched their own video channels on the internet, there is a growing demand toward short science videos explaining a given research. Studies have shown that such short videos aka video abstracts, have a positive feedback on the citation of the research paper they are associated with. To produce a video abstract, scientists often assign professional filmmakers. Other authors however choose the cost effective and quick way and produce the video by themselves. To encourage authors to choose the latter option, we combined the writing and editing skills of actively publishing authors and documentary filmmakers and created a special training. We found that in two countries - Germany, Hungary - scientists and university students learn to produce short science videos for the internet in a considerably short period of time, given that proper supervision is provided. These findings can contribute to a further increase in the numbers of citable scientific video abstracts.
2016Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)