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28 results
147Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:05:31 Light 0:12:05 Quantization 0:19:10 The Photoelectric Effect 0:28:59 Photon Momentum
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
179Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:20 Louis de Broglie 0:02:32 Where is the Particle? 0:14:49 Waves 0:19:20 Practice Problem: de Broglie Wavelength 0:21:16 Wavefunctions 0:29:16 The Postulates of QM
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
53Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:19 The Postulates of QM 0:05:30 The Momentum Operator 0:08:17 Basic Functions 0:13:44 Orthogonality 0:28:50 Uncertainty 0:30:51 Complementarity 0:35:00 Classical Atoms 0:39:12 Wavefunctions and Orbitals 0:43:37 Confined Systems 0:45:49 The Position Operator
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
24Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:20 Localized Wavfunctions 0:11:30 Fourier Series 0:13:21 Quantum cryptography 0:28:32 Time Evolution 0:47:22 A Free Particle
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
361Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:20 The Box 0:04:29 The Wavefunction 0:19:22 Normalization 0:28:27 Interpretation 0:31:50 Expectation Values 0:45:59 Excited States 0:47:39 Wavefunction Plots
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
172Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:42 Tunneling 0:29:42 Barrier Penetration 0:44:34 Interpretation
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
119Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:03:27 STM 0:19:19 Vibrations 0:46:33 Zero-Point Energy 0:49:19 Isotope Effects
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
55Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:23 Vibrational Energy Levels 0:19:35 Properties of Oscillators 0:26:43 Perturbation Theory 0:40:38 Introducing Lambda 0:42:42 Correcting the Energy 0:50:47 Vanishing Wavefunction
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
224Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:02 Odd, or Antisymmetric, Funcitons 0:05:57 The Morse Potential 0:18:05 The 6 - 12 Potential 0:27:28 Quantum Systems in 2D and 3D 0:28:41 Particles in a 2D Box 0:39:49 Quantum Dots 0:42:40 Degeneracy 0:44:40 Particle on a Ring
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
288Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:02:23 Particle on a Ring 0:16:49 Quantization 0:24:23 Preparation of Atoms 0:27:16 Spherical Polar Coordinates 0:31:18 Particle on a Sphere 0:33:03 The Legendrian 0:35:06 Spherical Polar Coordinates
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
296Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:47 The Solution in Phi 0:03:10 The Solution in Theta 0:24:11 Energy Quantization 0:30:41 The Spherical Harmonics 0:33:26 Transitions 0:37:20 Spin 0:42:21 Stern-Gerlach Experiment 0:48:11 Electron Spin
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
207Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:22 Spin 0:02:56 The Vector Model 0:11:06 The Commutator 0:22:25 Wavenumbers 0:29:45 Atomic Spectroscopy 0:34:34 The Hamiltonian Wavefunction 0:42:52 Separation of Variables
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
92Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:57 The Radial Functions 0:07:12 The Rydberg Constant 0:13:39 The Bohr Radius 0:22:54 Notation 0:26:55 The Wavefunctions 0:31:59 Radial Nodes 0:36:44 Integrating Wavefunctions
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
145Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:41 Atomic Spectroscopy 0:09:08 Emission Spectra 0:21:41 Coupling Schemes 0:26:17 LS Coupling 0:29:42 Adding Angular Momenta 0:31:47 Vector Model for Coupling 0:38:40 Symmetry Considerations 0:41:48 LS Coupling 0:44:28 Term Symbols 0:50:32 Selection Rules
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
262Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: UCI Chem 131A covers principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. Index of Topics: 0:00:21 Quantum Numbers 0:02:40 Configurations 0:04:32 Term SYmbols 0:12:02 Holes and Electrons 0:13:47 Shapes of H Wavefunctions 0:17:39 Hydrogen Orbitals 0:18:41 Nodes 0:23:05 Spin-Orbit Coupling 0:24:09 Internal Magnetic Field 0:32:23 Other Alkali Metals 0:37:22 Cesium
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
571Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:51 Cesium 0:19:37 Another Look at Spin-Orbit Coupling 0:23:42 The Energy Shift 0:25:00 Two-Electron Atoms 0:37:06 The Pauli Principle 0:41:31 Spin and Space
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
256Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:55 Symmetry 0:02:23 Orthogonality 0:05:53 The Variational Principle 0:23:17 Atomic Units 0:34:25 Notation 0:37:29 Hydride Anion, Try #1
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
312Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description:This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:53 Where We Left Off 0:02:06 Figuring r12 0:03:55 Law of Cosines 0:07:58 First-Order Correction 0:09:11 The Theta Integral 0:17:42 What's the Energy? 0:19:56 Stability of Hydride 0:24:37 Improving our Estimate 0:30:19 Evaluating the Energy 0:37:09 The Repulsion Term 0:43:59 The Helium Atom
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
93Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:38 Hydride Try #3 0:42:20 The Orbital Approximation 0:49:42 Hartree-Fock Approach
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
645Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:26 Hartree-Fock Approach 0:18:58 Correlation 0:26:27 Taking Spin Into Account 0:39:59 The Slater Determinant
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
179Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:22 Closed Shell Atoms 0:05:12 The Energy of an Atom 0:08:47 Fock's Contribution 0:13:40 Optimzed Orbitals are Online 0:22:17 The Most Stable Atom 0:24:45 Hund's Rules 0:36:08 Predicting Stability 0:39:02 The Aufbau Principle 0:43:29 The Periodic Table 0:48:17 "Fission!" 0:50:09 Chemical Bonds
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
1,290Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:03 The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation 0:09:52 The Electronic Hamiltonian 0:11:06 Potential Surfaces 0:12:43 H2+ 0:22:43 Variational Approach for H2+ 0:41:04 Back to H2+
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
1,446Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:06 LCAO-MO Approximation 0:03:22 Variational Energies 0:04:49 Matrix Elements 0:14:44 The Overlap Integral 0:25:41 The Hab Matrix Element 0:33:50 Is H2+ Stable?
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
144Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:11 Comparing the Results 0:04:04 H2+ Molecular Orbitals 0:05:32 The Coefficients 0:06:58 Normalization 0:09:00 The Orbitals are Different 0:14:22 The Virial Theorem 0:28:27 Checking our MO 0:37:01 Optimizing the Energy
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
537Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:03:28 Polarization 0:12:33 H2 0:15:50 Molecular Orbitals for H2 0:18:24 The Potential Energy Curve 0:20:19 The LCAO-MO Problem 0:31:50 The Valence Bond Approach 0:40:28 Wrapping up H2 0:45:53 Bond Order 0:47:28 Comparing H2+ Through He2
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
378Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:00:29 MO Diagrams 0:03:36 Qualitative Guidelines 0:10:08 Homonuclear Diatomics 0:18:13 Bond Order Matches Intuition 0:29:42 Photoelectron Spectroscopy 0:35:53 Hybrid Orbitals 0:45:13 Making Bonds 0:48:24 Normalizing the Hybrids 0:50:09 Other Hyrbid Combinations
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
288Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:01:38 MO Picture for CH4 0:13:53 CH4 PES 0:18:52 Delocalization 0:21:45 Ethylene 0:34:02 Benzene 0:43:44 Aromaticity
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)
36Shaka, Athan J.
UCI Chem 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2014) Instructor: A.J. Shaka, Ph.D Description: This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and principles of quantum chemistry with applications to nuclear motions and the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom. It also examines the Schrödinger equation and study how it describes the behavior of very light particles, the quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to the classical description, and the quantum description of the electronic structure of atoms is studied. Index of Topics: 0:05:11 Matter and Radiation 0:07:33 Postulates of Quantum Mechanics 0:10:11 Measurements 0:12:11 Uncertainty 0:13:36 Time Evolution 0:15:37 Bound States 0:17:56 Tunneling 0:19:49 Unbound States 0:21:06 Approximate Solutions 0:24:28 Spectroscopy 0:26:19 Atomic Structure 0:33:05 Pauli Principle 0:34:11 Molecules 0:42:25 Chemical Bonds 0:43:17 Dissociation 0:45:04 Delocalized Systems
2014University of California Irvine (UCI)