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AIKG-SD Summer School Day 2024

Keynotes and tutorials presented at the AIKG-SD Summer School Day 2024 on applications of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for the handling of research data. Our instructors cover a variety of backgrounds, such as Computer Science, Social Sciences, and the Library Sector. The event was hosted by the research group "Artificial Intelligence and Explainability" at Leuphana University Lüneburg (https://www.leuphana.de/en/institutes/iis/artificial-intelligence-and-explainability.html) and NFDI4DataScience (https://www.nfdi4datascience.de/).Visit the website to learn more: https://sites.google.com/view/aikg-sd-summer-school-day-2024/startseite

DOI (series): 10.5446/s_1858
4 hours 23 minutes