Fractons and Beyond (20w5064)
The Banff International Research Station will host the "Fractons and beyond" workshop in Banff from January 26 to January 31, 2020. Recent developments at the interface between quantum information theory and condensed matter theory have led to the discovery of fracton states, which constitute a new phase of quantum matter. Fracton matter is characterized by the existence of excitations with `fractionalized mobility' - i.e. excitations that cannot move in isolation. This fractionalized mobility is tied to the intricate pattern of quantum entanglement in these phases, and gives hope for constructing new classes of quantum memory. Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in fracton matter, across a range of subfields in theoretical physics. This workshop constitute the first ever weeklong meeting designed to bring together experts from a range of relevant disciplines to discuss this new phase of quantum matter, to help establish a common language, and to chart a path forward for the field.