Here we present a web application interface to facilitate English-German translations and curation of new terms coined in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus, officially provided in German by ZB MED. MeSH is a global, hierarchical vocabulary for biomedical terms, key to indexing databases, cataloging resources, and crafting search profiles. Accurate German translations improve accessibility for German speakers and retrieval of German biomedical literature, and promote international standardization within the biomedical domain. It all starts with machine translations from DeepL, followed by a 2-stage human translation-curation process for quality assurance, the submission to the National Library of Medicine in the USA, and the publication of an XML file containing original English terms and approved German translations. The XML is publicly available following open access principles on the PUBLISSO FRL platform so it can be used, e.g., on entity-annotation and -recognition processes. The interface builds upon the web framework Nuxt 3, uses SQLite database integrated with Prisma ORM, and is deployed with Nginx. The interface prioritizes one-to-one translation of English MeSH main headings, with additional synonyms capturing, e.g., variations across German-speaking countries and regions, providing German-speakers a localized experience. A curator then approves translations and the XML file is produced. This application could be used for translations to other languages by changing the DeepL seed. In the future, the interface will be extended to also cover updated MeSH terms in addition to the new ones, to better reflect modified and deleted main headings, preferred labels, and synonyms. Although the interface itself is tailored to the MeSH vocabulary, the DeepL translation-curation process could be adapted to other vocabularies. |