*MapStore* is an open source product developed for creating, saving and sharing in a simple and intuitive way maps, dashboards, charts and geostories directly online in your browser. MapStore is cross-browser and mobile ready, it allows users to: - _Search_ and load geospatial content served using widely used protocols (WMS, WFS, WMTS, TMS, CSW) and formats (GML, Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML/KMZ etc..) - _Manage maps_ (create, modify, share, delete, search), charts, dashboard and stories directly online - _Manage users_, groups and their permissions over the various resources MapStore can manage - _Edit data online_ via WFS-T with advanced filtering capabilities - _Deeply customize the look&feel_ to follow strict corporate guidelines - _Manage different application contexts_ through an advanced wizard to have customized WebGIS MapStore viewers for different use cases (custom plugins set, map and theme) You can use *MapStore* as a product to deploy simple geoportals by using the standard functionalities it provides but you can also use MapStore as a framework to develop sophisticated WebGIS portals by reusing and extending its core building blocks. *MapStore* is built on top of React and Redux and its core does not explicitly depend on any mapping engine but it can support both OpenLayers, Leaflet and Cesium; additional mapping engines could be also supported (MapBox GL is in the working) to avoid any tight dependency on a single engine. The presentation will give the audience an extensive overview of the MapStore functionalities for the creation of mapping portals, covering both previous work as well work for the future releases. Eventually, a range of MapStore case studies will be presented to demonstrate what our clients (like City of Genova, City of Florence, Halliburton, Austrocontrol and more) and partners are achieving with it. |