This presentation will show tips and tricks how to design dynamic and relatively complex forms in QGIS desktop - with the help of the drag and drop form designer, widget configurations, dynamic expressions, data-defined widget visibility, default values, constraints, embedded forms, relations, actions and more. In addition, we will show how you can use spatial joins from other layers to automatically fill in data from independent but spatially related layers. You will be walked through an application developed for the management of biodiversity subsidies in the Kanton of Solothurn, Switzerland. The application allows to collect data from eligible areas in the canton's biodiversity programme. Farmers and foresters can apply for separate subsidies for biodiversity support if the areas and their management methods meet certain criteria. The QGIS based application allows to collect data, automatically assigns parcel numbers, place names, community names, etc. and allows to define usage restrictions and record maintenance measures. Interfaces exist for a reporting generator (contract generation) and an SAP based disbursement system for the payment of subsidies. In the presentation we will present the result of the development work and show some tips and tricks with forms, widgets, expressions and actions and how we stitched everything together. |