*GeoBlaze (geoblaze.io)* is a blazing fast raster analysis engine written in pure JavaScript. With geoblaze, you can run computations ranging from basic statistics (min, max, mean, median, and mode) to band arithmetic and histogram generation in either a web browser or a node application. ### presentation This presentation will go over recent updates to GeoBlaze, including the addition of support for Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs. We will also discuss the roadmap for the next couple years. ### use cases GeoBlaze can be used wherever vectors and rasters meet. You can use it to calculate the hectares of wheat in a country, the change in daily median earth temperature, and identify wildfires in satellite imagery. ### environment Because GeoBlaze is written in pure JavaScript it can be run in various environments, on an EC2 server, Lambda function, Cloudflare worker, or in the browser. It performs calculations using the CPU, so it is not restricted only to environments where a GPU is available. ### notable dependencies GeoBlaze is built on top of the following open-source projects: dufour-peyton-intersection (github.com/GeoTIFF/dufour-peyton-intersection), georaster (github.com/geotiff/georaster), geotiffjs (github.com/geotiffjs/geotiff.js), and calc-image-stats (github.com/danieljdufour/calc-image-stats). ### sample notebooks: - Time Series Analysis with GeoBlaze: Mean Daily Air Temperature for the Month of May: observablehq.com/@geosurge/time-series-analysis-with-geoblaze-mean-daily-air-temperat - Identifying Carr Wildfire with Landsat 8: observablehq.com/@geosurge/identifying-carr-wildfire-with-landsat-8 - Hectares of Rainfed Wheat in Ukraine: observablehq.com/@danieljdufour/hectares-of-rainfed-wheat-in-ukraine |