The MapTiler plugin is the easiest way to load styled vector tiles into QGIS. The plugin allows anybody to easily load map data of the entire planet (from OpenStreetMap project), with details down to the street level from Cloud or any other URL. The version 3.0 of MapTiler plugin brings several new features, maps and datasets. A new global DEM of the entire planet is ideal for terrain spatial analysis. New maps - both in vector and raster - OpenStreetMap (popular OSM Carto finally in vectors!) and a Winter map for all wintertime activities. A new Satellite map based on our new 2021 cloudless satellite imagery with 10m resolution for the entire planet. The plugin offers maps of the entire world in vector or raster tiles, but can also open maps from any other URL. You can load high-resolution aerial imagery, hillshading, global terrain data and contour lines for outdoor maps or official government open data from various countries. A ready-to-use list of beautiful map styles is available to QGIS users. Those who prefer customized maps can make their own map design in a few clicks using the Customize tool. Users can set their own colors, fonts, or choose the language of map labels. Use the power of QGIS and reproject, rotate and export vector tiles to various formats (including PDF, SVG or DWG) or use Print Composer to create beautiful high-detailed maps to fit your needs. The plugin is an open-source project with code available at GitHub repository and open to any contribution from developers and users. |