Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) (wasac.rw/) started mapping rural water supply system in Rwanda since 2018. WASAC conducted the data collection by using QGIS, QField and PostGIS all over the country of Rwanda, and now all GIS data is available as open data and visualized in this website (rural.water-gis.com/) by using Mapbox Vector Tiles. WASAC is trying to achieve universal access to water in SDGs Goal 6 by keeping updating and utilizing GIS data. We are developing GIS system as open source, and all of source code was developed in Github through WASAC organization repositories here under the collaboration with The United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit team. Our approach uses quite low-cost technologies which are more sustainable in low and middle-income countries. All our data is also available in OpenAFRICA (africaopendata.org/organization/water-and-sanitation-corporation-ltd-wasac). Our achievements of the project were presented in previous global conference of FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest and FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires. In FOSS4G 2022, we would like to update our current situation of the GIS system to the community. |