In the face of natural disasters, response time is critical. Mapping and geospatial insights play a pivotal role in understanding the impact and coordinating efforts. This presentation will delve into the capabilities and benefits of open-source disaster management software, focusing on Disaster Ninja, an innovative tool developed by Kontur. This critical event management solution, now open-source, enhances situational awareness by visualizing mapping gaps and facilitating connections with local mappers for ground truth verification. Disaster Ninja streamlines the preparation of mapping tasks, enabling emergency cartographers to work efficiently, often reducing task preparation from hours to minutes. Our talk will explore how open-source tools like Disaster Ninja can empower disaster response efforts by providing actionable insights, demonstrating the tool's application in real-world scenarios, and discussing its development in collaboration with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). We aim to foster the development of FOSS4G by offering our experiences and the capabilities of Disaster Ninja, to enhance collaboration, innovation, and the practical application of these resources during disaster events. |