Stateful Functions (StateFun), a project developed under the umbrella of Apache Flink, provides consistent messaging and distributed state management for stateful serverless applications. It does so in a vendor, platform and language agnostic manner - applications are composed of inter-messaging, polyglot functions that can be deployed on a mixture of your preferred FaaS platforms, as a Spring Boot application on Kubernetes, or really any deployment method typically used in modern cloud-native architectures. In this session, you will learn about the core concepts behind the project and the abstractions that developers would work with, all up to date to the latest upcoming 3.0 release. For new users, the content of this talk will be a perfect place to get started with StateFun. For existing users, this will be a great opportunity to catch up with the latest advancements in the project, including improved ergonomics around zero-downtime upgrade capabilities of StateFun applications, type system for messages and function state, as well as an extended array of new language SDKs. |