Apache Solr is a critical piece of infrastructure for most companies dealing with data. The systems that Solr often powers are critical, requiring high availability and disaster recovery. Often users tend to undermine the importance of these features, but more importantly there’s a need to better understand the need for these before it’s too late. In the recent past, a lot of effort has been put in by the community to build features that allow for operating a reliable and highly available Solr setup. During this talk, I will talk about the DR and HA options that Solr provides like incremental backups, backup to Blob store, and Cross-DC replication. I will explain the reasons that make them essential, and also explain what these features actually do under the covers. At the end of this talk, attendees would have a better understanding about HA and DR in general, and the options they have to improve the reliability of their Solr clusters. They would also be equipped to enable and use those features to operate a reliable Solr cluster that is disaster ready. |