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View Server - EO Data Visualization in a Cloud Native Way

Formal Metadata

View Server - EO Data Visualization in a Cloud Native Way
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CC Attribution 3.0 Germany:
You are free to use, adapt and copy, distribute and transmit the work or content in adapted or unchanged form for any legal purpose as long as the work is attributed to the author in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
Release Date2023

Content Metadata

Subject Area
FOSS4G 2023 Prizren The View Server (VS) is MIT licensed, Docker based, cloud-native, scalable software stack providing external services for searching, viewing, and downloading Earth Observation (EO) data. Services implementations are following OGC Web services standards STAC, OpenSearch, WMS, WMTS, WCS. Having EOxServer and MapCache as core components, enables EO Data publication in a modular and configurable way. The process starts with data harvesting, preprocessing and metadata ingestion and ends with serving pre-cached and on demand rendered images through an attached Web client based on OpenLayers and EOxC libraries or on individual service endpoints. EOxServer allows dynamic generation of visual images from multi-spectral data. In this way, specific bands or channels of the original images can be selected as the grey or red, green, and blue output colour channels. It also supports flexible rendering based on previously extracted image statistics, pansharpening on the fly, filtering the long time periods of products intersecting with the query in CQL syntax utilizing metadata parameters and more. VS provides both S3, OpenStack Swift, HTTP and local files support when considering data storage and can be deployed in Docker Swarm environment via docker-compose templates or in Kubernetes environment as a set of Helm charts. The software stack was and is used by EOX in a quite a number of operational deployments for ESA, like the VirES projects, Copernicus Space Component Data Access system (CSCDA), or more recently Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Common Architecture.