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Implementation of Statistical Geoportals in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Implementation of Statistical Geoportals in Latin America and the Caribbean
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CC Attribution 3.0 Germany:
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Release Date2023

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Subject Area
Based on the implementation of the Global Statistical and Geospatial Framework (GSGF) proposed by the UN and implemented in Latin America and the Caribbean by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), a set of specific technological components were developed, such as a geoportal, a statistical manager and an API with the possibility of consuming information from different applications. At the same time, components already existing in the community were implemented such as Kobo Toolbox, GeoNode, Airflow, MapLibre, Nominatim and Metabase for the integration of information from the collection in the territory to the publication of the data. The project was initially carried out with a group of countries: Argentina, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Ecuador.