"RP2040 is the Raspberry Pi Foundation's take on the microcontroller. It is fast, cheap and has some very neat features. MicroPython is a software implementation of a subset of the Python3 programming language, optimized to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. After a short introduction of both technologies, we will present notable features and particularities of the RP2040, and how they can be easily accessed using MicroPython. This includes dual-core technology, PIO (programmable in-out) and DMA (direct memory access). Moreover, we will illustrate how some some of those features are used in real-world use cases, including a live demonstration. The talk will end with a discussion on the limits of the MicroPython approach with respect to the C/C++ SDK, and a question and answer session." About the speaker: Tobias, originating from just across the dam, performed his Masters studies in Neuchâtel and obtained a PhD in the field of optoelectronics from ETHZ in 2009. He then worked for a component manufacturer specialized in the quantum cascade laser, as responsible for the laser chip fabrication, and partly the IT department . In 2021 he decided to found his own company, tweax sàrl, where he acts as CEO and master tweaker. Tweax sàrl operates from Lausanne, and is specialized in developing custom IT solutions, based on open source hard- and software. |