NLnet Labs and Red Hat are closely following two legislative proposals from the European Commission applicable to almost all hardware and software on the European market; - The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), intends to cover products including digital elements, like software, with cybersecurity conformity requirements and obligations. - The new Product Liability Directive (PLD) is looking to extend liability for defective products to the world of software. The audience will learn about the CRA and PLD from different angles: from their respective authors at the European Commission, from a small, public benefit organisation producing and supporting upstream open source software, and from organisations promoting, using and distributing open source software. The session will be divided in two parts: - A series of lightning talks from representatives of the European Commission and NLnet Labs to introduce the subject. - A panel, moderated by Red Hat, with participation from Digital Europe, the EC Open Source Program Office, Red Hat and NLnet Labs to share views and opinions about the future of open source software within the current and future legal framework. |