Online collaboration tools for document edition are the perfect fit to enhance the features of a Content Service Platform like Alfresco. This session explores the integration of Open Source alternatives like LibreOffice, OnlyOffice and Collabora with the Alfresco Platform. Ready-to-test deployments will be provided and demonstrated! Alfresco is an Open Source Content Service Platform (CSP) that provides document and content management features in a Cloud Native deployment. Online collaboration tools are the perfect addition to the platform when addressing document editing requirements. This session will explore different topics in relation to this integration: - Description of the Alfresco features that helps Online Collaboration tools to work on a CSP deployment (Repository, Metadata & Content indexation, Rules and Automation) - Technical description of the Alfresco APIs used for the integration (CMIS, REST API, Events API) - Review of different deployment scenarios including ready-to-test templates: - LibreOffice - OnlyOffice - Collabora - Final recap on additional integration patterns to enhance collaboration experience |