Electron tomography is a technique to obtain 3D nanoscale image reconstructions from 2D electron microscopy projection images, i.e. a tomographic tilt series. Due to the nature of imaging at the nanoscale, the data processing procedures leading from data acquisition to accurate approximation of the 3D scene are far from automated and rarely streamline. These challenges include accurate alignment of the sinogram data and accurate reconstruction from a limited number angles in the tilt series. This talk addresses some of the most recent advances to resolving these issues and the concerns that still remain. We consider two new methods for accurate alignment of the sinogram data, which can be characterized by center-of-mass methods and phase based autofocusing [1,2]. Next, we consider accurate 3D reconstruction techniques based on higher order total variation L1 regularization and multiscale generalizations [3]. [1] Sanders, Toby, et al. "Physically motivated global alignment method for electron tomography." Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging 1.1 (2015): 4. [2] Sanders, Toby, Ilke Arslan. “Improved 3D resolution of electron tomograms using robust mathematical data processing techniques.” Microscopy and Microanalysis. (accepted, 2017). [3] Sanders, Toby, et al. "Recovering fine details from under-resolved electron tomography data using higher order total variation L1 regularization." Ultramicroscopy 174 (2017): 97-105. |