By highlighting the contributions of two outstanding female statisticians, Florence Nightingale (1820 -1910) and Nancy Reid (1952-), we will illustrate how the relative young discipline of Statistics has changed in the last 150 years. Nightingale, living in Victorian times, required permission from her father to get an education and work. She devised and applied ideas on how to effectively illustrate and display data. Reid, graduated from Stanford University and is now a professor of Statistics at the University of Toronto. She is recognized internationally as one of the leading theoretical statisticians and made contributions to diverse areas like higher order asymptotics, conditional inference, and Bayesian and frequentist statistical methods. About the speaker: Dr. Buro completed her PhD in mathematics at the Technical University in Aachen, Germany in 1995. She joined MacEwan University in 2003 as a full-time faculty member in the department of Mathematics and Statistics and became chair of the department in 2013. Her research interests are in statistical design theory and the mathematics of electoral systems. She enjoys an extensive number of collaborations with researchers from various disciplines, providing statistical support for their projects. |