This research paper explores internal migration with FOSS4GIS technologies, such as Python, Geopandas and QGIS, to develop internal migration scenarios using spatial interaction models. Migration can be defined as the geographical mobility of people in order to change their usual residency, traversing the limits of geographically defined entities, like countries or states, for a considerable period of time. Migration, after fertility and mortality, is the third factor determining population change. Migration is understood as a socio-spatial phenomenon, as geographic space plays a relevant role in it’s origination and evolution, e.g.: facilitating migratory fluxes between neighboring regions, or by the contrary, discouraging migration between very distant or poorly connected regions. This research paper addresses internal migration and produces a future internal migration scenario using spatial interaction models as a method, applied on migration matrices based upon national census data. The data was processed and analysed using R and Python, specially the Python libraries Pandas, Geopandas and StatsModels. Authors and Affiliations – Guillermo D'Angelo, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Track – Education & research Topic – Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation and visualization Level – 2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required. Language of the Presentation – English |