The ENOEL Toolkit features reusable and adaptable templates for Twitter cards, slides, and leaflets. It can be used at any institution to convey the convincing benefits of Open Education. It results from the work of the European Network of Open Education Librarians in 2021 and the beginning of 2022 and aims to help raise awareness of the importance of Open Education. The Toolkit points out benefits for four stakeholder groups: students, teachers, institutions, and society at large. The ENOEL members have helped translate the Toolkit into 16 language versions to make it more effective and inclusive at the local level in different EU countries. Great attention has been given to making and keeping the ENOEL Toolkit as open as possible. Thanks to its graphic simplicity and its open licence (CC BY), librarians willing to reuse it don’t need advanced skills to adapt it to their specific needs. ENOEL members designed the Toolkit to welcome the addition of institutional logos, changes in colours, and fonts to adapt to local communication guidelines, standards, and tools. Reusers can change the order of the benefits according to the preferences of each local context and specifically identified target groups. At the beginning of each file, instructions guide users to understand each tool’s structure, correctly attribute it when adapting, and find items in the files themselves. |