The mathematical framework of variational inequalities is a powerful tool to model problems arising in mechanics such as elasto-plasticity where the physical laws change when some state variables reach a certain threshold [1]. Somehow, it is not surprising that the models used in the literature for the hysteresis effect of non-linear elasto-plastic oscillators submitted to random vibrations [2] are equivalent to (finite dimensional) stochastic variational inequalities (SVIs) [3]. This presentation concerns (a) cycle properties of a SVI modeling an elasto-perfectly-plastic oscillator excited by a white noise together with an application to the risk of failure [4,5]. (b) a set of Backward Kolmogorov equations for computing means, moments and correlation [6]. (c) free boundary value problems and HJB equations for the control of SVIs. For engineering applications, it is related to the problem of critical excitation [7]. This point concerns what we are doing during the CEMRACS research project. (d) (if time permits) on-going research on the modeling of a moving plate on turbulent convection [8]. This is a mixture of joint works and / or discussions with, amongst others, A. Bensoussan, L. Borsoi, C. Feau, M. Huang, M. Laurière, G. Stadler, J. Wylie, J. Zhang and J.Q. Zhong. |