QGIS demo as a generic Desktop capability. Alongside the various OGC API server implementations, clients are in the process of being set up to interact with the OGC API services. In this talk we present some new capabilities of QGIS and GDAL to interact with OGC API’s. Additionally to the various OGC API server implementations, more and more clients are being set up to interact with the OGC API services. This talk will focus on on QGIS and some new capabilities of QGIS and GDAL to interact with OGC API’s. - The WFS provider in QGIS has been extended to support OGC API Features. The functionality builds on top of the WFS provider. - The QGIS Metasearch plugin is in the process of being extended to support OGC API - Records a dataset search plugin for QGIS. Metasearch uses internally OWSLib, a python library with extended OGC API client support. - Also GDAL, a swiss army knife for spatial data, has been extended to interact with various OGC API's. In case there is news to share on client support for OGC API Maps, Coverages, Tiles and Styles, you’ll hear of it during the presentation. |