In a serverless world Firebase can fulfill a promise of providing your app with realtime notifications. Firebase can be a great shortcut when you want to have real time notifications between your client apps by leveraging the observable streams Firebase provides in your React components. After the talk building a real time notification system will be simpler to maintain and come with scalability built in. I will try to leverage the real-time Firebase database for building a subscriber component for my application so that I get notifications as they are available. 1. How would I normally do real time notifications: Using redis with PUB/SUB and websockets to subscribe to publish and consume data 2. What is Firebase: Firebase is a real time datbase that takes over some of the complexity of managing your data. It has many language wrappers and is very easy to use 3. Wrapping Firebase library in a react component: In order to preserve the one way directional flow in React you need to wrap your firebase library inside a component to take advantage of the lifecycle 4. How Firebase and React work with the Redux state management: Once the firebase library is wrapped you can map the properties and dispatch actions when new data is available via Redux 5. Putting it all together: This is a wrap up and lets you know how all the pieces fit together 6. Live Demo: We will have a component that does a very basic insert into a firebase bucket, and updates the firebase letting the other users know that new data is available, followed by a live demo of the app |