In this talk, I am going to demonstrate a suite of tools and techniques that simplify the process of moving from an idea to a deployed product. The presentation showcase how we at Alteroo, the only development shop in Jamaica that uses Plone, use our current stack to get things done quickly. Parts of the stack that I am going to demonstrate includes the following: - Roosite.launchkit for starting new projects. - Mosaic Styles and Tiles, - Auto-deployment of Plone Themes with rollback functionality powered by Gitlab CI/CD. - Predefined Diazo and XSLT rules for content and theme manipulation. - Faceted and filtered results using collective.filters, - Indexable JSON values by making DataGridField into metadata. The vision is to make it easier for future developers to start, build, update and deploy with little backend changes as possible while having the ability to do so if needed. Plone CLI: The new way of creating Plone extensions. The Plone CLI let's you create a Plone addon and add features like content_types, views, viewlets and portlets to it. It makes is easier and faster to get started and also gives you a good the structure of code and tests. |