GNU Health (GH) the Libre Health and Hospital Information System. GH is a social project that combines the socioeconomic determinants of health with state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics, LIMS and genetics. The GNU Health ecosystem works in the areas of demographics, socioeconomics, epidemiology, patient and institution management. It's been deployed in many countries around the globe, from small clinics to very large, national public health implementations. MyGNUHealth is the GH's Personal Health Record application that integrates to the GNU Health Federation, focused in mobile devices. We'll talk about what lead us to choose the KDE Kirigami framework to develop myGNUHealth, some technical insights and the community behind the project. In this talk we will talk about the benefits of Plasma mobile and the Kirigami framework provides to myGNUHealth. After a short introduction of the GNU Health philosophy and ecosystem, we will focus on the need of the Personal Health Record (myGNUHealth) that can be used both in mobile devices and desktop and the benefits it delivers to the person, the patient-doctor relationship and the system of health in general. |