Leveraging the power of GitLab CI During this talk we'll show a complete CI/CT pipeline and how we automated the following tasks: * Render and publish RST / sphinx based documentation * Build and publish packages (deb + rpm) on a public repository (incl. signing) * Advanced testing of JS-based applications with Firefox and PhantomJS The idea is to automate the whole pipeline starting simple with application testing and finally deploying it or building and publishing the appropriate packages and documentations. Only OSS is used and will be presented during the talk. The process is automated with GitLab, GitLab-CI, Docker, Vagrant and several smaller projects we have or will publish on GitHub: * pyaptly, * pkgbuild-bot, * docbuild-bot. We are sure that this fully automated approach for different uses cases brings a new angle into the CI/CT space. Properly packaging software (incl. signing) is still not that easy and many tend to work around it. Attendees will get new ideas how to fully automate the process of transforming source code to a ready-to-use package and not only parts of it. |