Operator SDK is a solid foundation for building robust applications for Kubernetes; one of such applications is the VM import operator (https://github.com/kubevirt/vm-import-operator) allowing Kubernetes administrators to easily import their oVirt-managed virtual machines to KubeVirt. In this talk, the speaker will show how his team used Operator SDK to build the VM import operator and how that operator can be used. The Kubernetes is on a rise and thanks to its capabilities many developers and administrators want to migrate their workloads there, which not always is possible right away or easy to do. VM import operator can help in decomposing any applications previously running in oVirt. If the current deployment doesn’t allow for that, Operator SDK can ease the burden of either migrating existing applications to a new stack or building tools that can allow existing software to run in a completely new environment. The attendees will: - learn basic principles guiding development with OperatorSDK; - learn how VM import operator works; - know how to import their oVirt workloads to Kubernetes, hassle-free. |