A short overview about home automation basics and history as well as a hands on to HomeAssistant and ESPHome on a RaspberryPi. If you ever wanted to get started with home automation you should start here. I would like to give you a overview about the History of my personal HomeAutomation Experience with good and bad things i had to deal with. In the first part of the Workshop i like to talk a bit about the basics of home automation to ramp up everyone. A rough overview would be Home Automation - imagination vs. reality Sensor, Actor WTF? What hardware to be dealt with Evaluation of HomeAutomation hubs Which software/standard will cross your way on the component side How to bring them all together In the Second Part of the Workshop i will guide you trough the Initial Setup of HomeAssistant(hass.io) and try to integrate whatever you have at home together with you. Also i will show some tweaks that are not come with the default setup. Topics: Hassio Installation Hassio Configuration Intro to the hassio dashboard Intro to HomeAssistant Automations NodeRed vs. Builtin Automation capability NodeMCU/ESP32/ESP8266 the easy way Customisations without any limits What else you have in mind for home-automations?? What to Bring to the Workshop? Raspberry PI 3 B/B+ or 4B or a Virtualization that can handle VMDK, VHDX, VDI, QCOW2 or OVA. |