Iver Dihle Skjervum: REST was good, but now it’s time to move on. The frontend industry never seems to stop moving, and more and more of our applications goes from traditionally server-based applications to heavy client-side applications. Our favorite way of communication with the server has been through REST-endpoints. But what happens when the data we need on the client is some kind of nested resources, and more than a list of items? We can for each element in our list do a new query to get additional data, or we create custom endpoints on the server which get exactly the data we need, and we probably just use the endpoint this one time as well. None of these approaches seem to be a way we want to go. So what’s the alternative? Facebook released GraphQL as an alternative to REST, which allows the client to specify which data it needs from the server, and how the data is related to other resources on the server in one simple query. This talk will give an introduction to GraphQL, and explain briefly how to do data fetching “the facebook way” Stephane Erbrech: Predictable CI builds By now most development teams use continuous integration, and understand its importance. Some have even moved to continuous delivery. But how often do you find yourself fighting it a failing build (or deployment), that works on your local machine? in 10 minutes, I'll suggest an approach that will let you trust the build server again, and be confident that what works on you machine will work in CI and deployment. Cecilie Haugstvedt: Testing for accessibility without breaking the bank § 14 in the Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act require that all new ICT solutions in Norway should be universally designed from 1 July 2014.Existing ICT solutions should be universally designed from 2021. To ignore this or postpone the subject until late in the development process can not only be expensive but will often result in sub-optimal solutions. In this lightning talk I'll give some tips on how to discover problems with universal design as early as possible and build accessible solutions available for all without breaking the bank. The talk is based on real-life experiences from IT-projects in the public sector. David Kai Christen Kristensen: Mqtt - a protocoll for IoT MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocoll over TCP/IP. Designed for connections to remote locations network bandwidth is limited, it is ideal for many IoT scenarios. Leveraging the publish subscribe paradigm, it allows for for two way communication between devices without the need for mechanisms such as long polling. We give you a brief overview of the protocoll, and discuss some common IoT scenarios in which it can be used. |